Datatype.CFrame 位于Workspace.CurrentCamera 并向鼠标的 3D 位置。 Target:BasePart 只读 未复制 读取并联 在3D 空间中的对象指向 mouse。 TargetFilter:Instance 读取并联 在确定 Mouse.Hit 和Mouse.Target 时,确定要忽略对象 (和其子对象)。 TargetSurface:Enum.NormalId 只读 未复制 读取并联 指示Enum.Normal...
This thrilling mix of deception and paranoia will keep you on your toes until you’re the last person standing…or not. Get Breaking Point 9. Murder Mystery 2 Murder Mystery 2 pits players against one another in a deadly game of cat and mouse. As either the murderer, the sheriff, or an...
After the game is over, you can vote for next map in the new Map Update by pressing over one of the maps with your mouse. Once you vote over a map it will be highlighted in red and you can't "unvote". If votes are tied or no one chooses to vote, a random map will be ...
local mouse = player:GetMouse() local beam ="Beam") beam.Segments = 1 beam.Width0 = 0.2 beam.Width1 = 0.2 beam.Color =, 0, 0)) beam.FaceCamera = true local attachment0 ="Attachment") local attachment1 = Insta...
should do is learn how to move the camera. W, A, S, and D, will move the camera forward, backward, left, and right, respectively. You can also move up and down by using E for up and Q for down, and move your camera by holding the right mouse button and dragging the mouse. ...
First Person In first person mode (Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson), the player's camera is zoomed all the way in. Unless there is a visible GUI present with the GuiButton.Modal property set to true, moving the mouse, tap-dragging on mobile, or using the secondary thumbstick on a gamepad...
player.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson CanLoadCharacterAppearance bool 读取并联 CanLoadCharacterAppearance Player 属性决定角色的外观在玩家生成时是否会被加载。默认值为 StarterPlayer.LoadPlayerAppearance。 如果true,角色会加载与玩家的 Player.CharacterAppearanceId 相对应的玩家外观。 如果是,玩家将以...
local currentCamera = Workspace.CurrentCamera local rigModel = nil local cooldownBar = nil local animations = {} local function addFirstPersonVisuals() local blasterConfig = getBlasterConfig() -- Add the first person rig rigModel = blasterConfig.RigModel:Clone() rigModel.Parent =...
First Person In first person mode (Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson), the player's camera is zoomed all the way in. Unless there is a visible GUI present with the GuiButton.Modal property set to true, moving the mouse, tap-dragging on mobile, or using the secondary thumbstick on a gamepad...
local currentCamera = Workspace.CurrentCamera local rigModel = nil local cooldownBar = nil local animations = {} local function addFirstPersonVisuals() local blasterConfig = getBlasterConfig() -- Add the first person rig rigModel = blasterConfig.RigModel:Clone() rigModel.Paren...