「rbxassetid://8167172095」 openTokenTrackerGamepad 遊戲控制器按鈕,用於顯示啟動代幣跟蹤器後出現的模式 (Enum.KeyCode). ButtonY openTokenTrackerKeyboard 使用鍵盤按鍵顯示啟用代幣跟蹤器後出現的模式 (Enum.KeyCode)。 Y openTokenTrackerGamepadButtonImage 遊戲控制器按鈕的圖像,用於啟動代幣跟蹤器。 「rbxasset...
Upload an image to display as the pass icon. Make sure the image doesn't exceed 512x512 pixels, doesn't include important details outside of its circular boundaries, and is in.jpg,.png, or.bmpformat. Enter a name and a description for the pass. ...
When the mouse is hovered, it changes to a green unlocked padlock. Image Hover Lock local imageLabel = script.Parent -- The images in this example are 64x64 imageLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 64, 0, 64) local function unlock() imageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://284402785" -- ...
First of all, they need to go to the Roblox Creator Dashboard. After that, they need to go to the Development Items and click on Decals. Then, they have to press the Upload Asset button and upload their image. Once this is done, the image will start showing up in their account and...
Once you got the id of your favorite one and you want to redeem it, open your avatar editor page and write the code in the Asset id. Furthermore, check the table below to see all ids and codes for such a lot of beautiful pants uploaded in Roblox. Make sure to check all of them....
AssetId = assetId, AccessoryType = accessoryType, Order = order, } If the module is unable to set find the order, it defaults to supplying an order of 1. I’m not sure if this is meant to be future proofed for future layered accessories, but when I used the same method just now fo...
-- Set button image ContextActionService:SetImage("Interact", "rbxassetid://104919049969988") -- Set button position ContextActionService:SetPosition("Interact", UDim2.new(1, -70, 0, 10)) Context-Dependent Inputs When developing for mobile devices you may often want to change what a ...
Roblox’s 3D importer tool will provide a visual preview of the model and alert you to any specific errors with the file. Once your creation is imported, it’s saved in the Toolbox or Asset Manager section of Roblox Studio. 3. Add the item to the Roblox Marketplace The Roblox Market...
Roblox’s 3D importer tool will provide a visual preview of the model and alert you to any specific errors with the file. Once your creation is imported, it’s saved in the Toolbox or Asset Manager section of Roblox Studio. 3. Add the item to the Roblox Marketplace The Roblox Market...
Now the dummy Roblox character is showing on the screen. Kids should then click the plus sign in the explorer window next to “Dummy." Here they’ll then look for “Clothing” and in the left-hand “Inventory” they can right-click on the shirt, click “Copy Asset ID” and then paste...