Use the following code sample in aLocalScriptwithin theStarterCharacterScriptsfolder to set and equip emotes in your experience: localPlayers =game:GetService("Players") localhumanoid = Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid localhumanoidDescription = humanoid.HumanoidDescription ...
Sets the custom emotes to use. These will be added to the defaults if useDefaultEmotes is true, or replace the defaults if useDefaultEmotes is false. This function can only be called from a Script and changes will automatically replicate to all clients. See Emote for the structure of each...
Roblox.Emote.Error.UserEmotesNotEnabledAn error response from the RBXEmoteCommand TextChatCommand Roblox.Emote.Error.TemporarilyUnavailableAn error response from the RBXEmoteCommand TextChatCommand Roblox.Emote.Error.NotSupportedAn error response from the RBXEmoteCommand TextChatCommand ...
Roblox.Emote.Error.UserEmotesNotEnabled An error response from the RBXEmoteCommand TextChatCommand Roblox.Emote.Error.TemporarilyUnavailable An error response from the RBXEmoteCommand TextChatCommand Roblox.Emote.Error.NotSupported An error response from the RBXEmoteCommand TextChatCommand Roblox.Emote.Erro...
game.Players:TeamChat("Hello World") -- Sends a "Hello World" message to all players on the local player's team -- LocalScript local Players = game:GetService("Players") Players:TeamChat("Hello World") -- Errors BanAsync void Yields The Players:BanAsync() method allows you to ea...
SetEmotes(emotes : Dictionary):void 設定此說明中的所有表情。 SetEquippedEmotes(equippedEmotes : Array):void 設定目前裝備的表情符號,以及一些表情符號名稱。 檢視繼承自Instance的所有項目 檢視繼承自Object的所有項目 活動 EmotesChanged(newEmotes : Dictionary):RBXScriptSignal 添加表情時、移除或設定此說明上的...
All Roblox experiences include several UI elements that are enabled by default. If you don't need any of these elements or if you want to replace them with your own creations, you can use theSetCoreGuiEnabled()method in a client‑side script with the associatedEnum.CoreGuiTypeoption. ...
Enum.CoreGuiType.EmotesMenu A capture screenshot button along the right side of the screen. Does not appear unless the player has enabled Captures from the Roblox menu. Enum.CoreGuiType.Captures Client Script - Disable Default UI Elements local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") -...
These will be added to the defaults if useDefaultEmotes is true, or replace the defaults if useDefaultEmotes is false. This function can only be called from a Script and changes will automatically replicate to all clients. See Emote for the structure of each emote passed to this function. ...
EmotesPages EqualizerSoundEffect EulerRotationCurve ExperienceInviteOptions ExperienceNotificationService Explosion FaceControls FaceInstance Feature File FileMesh Fire Flag FlagStand FlagStandService FlangeSoundEffect FloatCurve FloorWire FluidForceSensor Folder ForceField FormFactorPart Frame FriendPages FriendService...