My favorite command is the;jumpcode. It Makes your character jump so high that you can easily escape the prison in Jailbreak and never get caught. Fun Fact: The first user to create admin commands isPerson299. In fact, he was the first Roblox user to execute a command script in 2008....
AdminCommands (module script in serverscriptservice) local commands = {} commands.kill = function(admin, arguments) print("Kill command has been run by:", admin.Name) local target = arguments[1] if target == "me" then admin.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 elseif target == "others" then ...
设置管理员命令库的第一个步骤是将一个新的聊天模块添加到聊天服务。 图书在本教程中为聊天模块提供重要的工作量,因此您需要添加的唯一对象是一个新的 ModuleScript。 模块脚本的名称可以为任何东西,但我建议使用直观的名称,例如 AdminCommands。实现新命令您将需要实现聊天模块的大部分逻辑,而不是实现大多数的聊天...
AdminCommands:BindCommand({"keyword1", "keyword2"}, commandName, 1, "Optional description")To unbind you would likewise use UnbindCommand and specify a keyword to unbind.AdminCommands:UnbindCommand({"keyword1"})Altogether, the content of your AdminCommands script should look like the following:...
TypeScript Roblox Server Administration System adminrobloxadonisadonis-loader UpdatedFeb 12, 2025 Luau Scripts and stuff I wrote for Roblox. Documentation is little to none as these are just stuff I took from my game that I thought I could share. ...
Hi there. Im in needing some help scripting a basic admin plugin. I dont really know how to script, i know some things but its all beginner stuff. Im trying to script a command so that I can temporarily change a player…
/opt/homebrew/Library/Homebrew/brew.rb (Cask::CaskLoader::FromAPILoader): loading hp-easy-admin /opt/homebrew/Library/Homebrew/brew.rb (Cask::CaskLoader::FromAPILoader): loading impel /opt/homebrew/Library/Homebrew/brew.rb (Cask::CaskLoader::FromAPILoader): loading jabra-direct ...
:Admin – Allows players to use the command script :Unadmin – Players lose the ability to use the command script :Visible – The player becomes visible :Invisible – The player disappears :God Mode – The player becomes impossible to kill and becomes deadly to everything else in the game ...
*Note –Before you proceed to make any changes to Windows Defender Firewall, make sure that you are logged in to the admin account. Step 1:Press theWin + Rhotkeys on your keyboard to open theRun commandwindow. Step 2:In theRun commandwindow, typeFirewall.cplin the search field and ...
Admin Commands Demonstrates an admin command system using TextChatCommands. Command functions are stored in the Commands module and have an included permission level. Permission levels are determined from group rankings or a manual override set in the Admins module. ...