Potential fix for a script error that occured when collecting loot in a Railjack POI. Fixed script error with host migration after exiting Railjack. Fixed unlocalized Avionics. Fixed a couple cases of Grineer Mines being unlocalized. Railjack Controller Changes & Fixes: Added two new Railjack pilo...
scripts Add helper script Mar 29, 2024 src Update syncback ignoreGlobs matching Oct 25, 2024 tests Fix ambiguous Attribute serialization Aug 22, 2024 .gitignore Fix Argon installer to work with GH Actions Mar 19, 2024 CHANGELOG.md Bump version to 2.0.20 Oct 25, 2024 ...
Returns the Actor associated with the Instance, if any. GetAttribute(attribute : string):Variant Write Parallel Returns the value which has been assigned to the given attribute name. GetAttributeChangedSignal(attribute : string):RBXScriptSignal Returns an event that fires when the given attribute chan...
Zoom in and out the camera with the mouse wheel. Recenter using the keyboard shortcut -F. To compare properties and attributes of an instance, select the instance and the Properties tab. To compare script differences, if applicable, select any script to open the Script tab for line-by-line...
Each health pickup is a Union of two rectangular parts with a green PointLight inside. They're all stored in one folder in the Workspace calledHealthPickups, which is where the script will look for them. If you add any more to the map, it's essential you ensure that they are also st...
You’ll have to set another sort of debounce for that. I would recommend a quick attribute, especially if the character is reset on death. local debounce = false for i, v in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") or v:IsA("MeshPart") then ...
<script> import VueYoutube from 'vue-youtube' import Vue from 'vue' Vue.use(VueYoutube) export default { props: { videoId: { type: String, required: true }, playVars: { type: Object, required: false, default: () => { return { autoplay: 0, controls: 1, } } } }, } </scr...
This module exposes an event called artChanged on the client that you can connect to and add your own logic. LocalScript local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local SurfaceArt = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("SurfaceArt")) local function createParticleEmitter(...
Roblox player characters collide with each other by default. This can lead to interesting but unintended gameplay, such as characters jumping on top of each other to reach specific areas. If this behavior is undesirable, you can prevent it through the followingScriptinServerScriptService. ...
To set per-bubble customization, add a client-sideLocalScriptusingBubbleChatMessageProperties, which overrides matching properties ofBubbleChatConfiguration, and theTextChatService.OnBubbleAddedcallback to specify how to customize each bubble. The callback supplies you with theTextChatMessageproperty as well...