At the end of the script, create awhileloop withtrueas the condition. In the loop,task.wait()for 1 second. Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerAdded) whiletruedo task.wait(1) end Player list To run code for every user in the experience, you need to iterate through thearrayof users ret...
are really just meshes internally and “batch” just like custom meshes do. However, because they’re a bit limited, with what you can make, you should feel encouraged to make your own general purpose reusable meshes for building with. Your own custom meshes will batch and render just as f...
Automatically convert your existing game to work with Rojo Import custom instances like MoonScript code Documentation Documentation is hosted in the repository. Contributing Check out our contribution guide for detailed instructions for helping work on Rojo! Pull requests are welcome! Rojo sup...
Roblox Death Star Tycoon is a strategy-based game that allows players to build and manage their own Death Star. The game is set in theStar Warsuniverse and provides players with an immersive gameplay experience where they can design their space station, train troops, and defend against enemy at...
To add a button for your plugin to the Plugins tab of the Studio toolbar, use the Plugin:CreateToolbar() and PluginToolbar:CreateButton() methods. In the code for EmptyScriptAdder, line 5 creates a new section in the toolbar named Custom Script Tools and line 8 creates a button named...
To begin with, the script needs to restore a player's health. This pattern should be familiar to you from theDeadly Lavatutorial. InServerScriptService, add a script calledPickupManager. In this script, declare a constant calledMAX_HEALTHwith the value100. ...
To enable in-experience asset creation for your users, use the AssetService:PromptCreateAssetAsync() API method in a server-side script, along with other creation logic. Specify which instances in your experience you want to enable this functionality, set a custom trigger (such as a UI icon)...
scripts Add helper script Mar 29, 2024 src Update syncback ignoreGlobs matching Oct 25, 2024 tests Fix ambiguous Attribute serialization Aug 22, 2024 .gitignore Fix Argon installer to work with GH Actions Mar 19, 2024 Bump version to 2.0.20 Oct 25, 2024 ...
Returns the Actor associated with the Instance, if any. GetAttribute(attribute : string):Variant Write Parallel Returns the value which has been assigned to the given attribute name. GetAttributeChangedSignal(attribute : string):RBXScriptSignal Returns an event that fires when the given attribute chan...
like VIP status, you can attach chat tags wrapped in brackets to the front of user messages to highlight their messages. The followingLocalScriptinStarterPlayerScriptsexamines allPlayerinstances representing users in your experience and appends VIP chat tags to those with theIsVIPattribute....