Depression did not kill Robin Williams Here's whatSusan Schneidersaid about her husband's death: "It was not depression that killed Robin. Depression was one of, let's call it, fifty symptoms, and it was a small one. The doctors said to me after the autopsy: 'Are you surprised that y...
Gilbert Carrasquillo/FilmMagic/Getty ImagesRobin Williams with his wife Susan Schneider Williams in 2012. According to his autopsy report, Robin Williams was suffering from Lewy body dementia — a devastating and debilitating brain disease that shares characteristics with both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’...
The condition of the body indicated Williams had been dead for at least a few hours, Boyd said. Williams also had superficial cuts on his wrist, and a pocketknife was found nearby. The results of Williams' autopsy, including toxicology tests, were originally slated to be released Sept. 20....
AceShowbiz-Robin Williamswas struggling with a brain disorder that caused him to lose many qualities from his prime and eventually led to his death. A new biography titled "Robin" (Henry Holt & Co.) by Dave Itzkoff that will be out this month details the final stages of Williams' life be...
A new report says Williams' suicide could have been linked to a form of dementia that can cause hallucinations
Robin's autopsy revealed that he had Lewy body dementia (LBD) rather than Parkinson's. "The massive proliferation of Lewy bodies throughout his brain had done so much damage to neurons and neurotransmitters that in effect, you could say he had chemical warfare in his brain," Schneider explain...
was not due to substance abuse or suicidal tendencies, as some had speculated in the media. Williams' wife, Susan, told ABC's "Good Morning America" this month that her husband slowly lost his mind because of a neurological disease, later discovered in an autopsy to be Lewy body dementia....
The Oscar winner died by suicide in August 2014 at age 63, but it was only after his autopsy that his family learned he was suffering with Lewy Body Dementia, a disease Williams described as "the terrorist inside my husband's brain" in an essay she wrote last year for the medical journ...
say the distribution of telltale protein deposits in the brain tend to be limited in a person with Parkinson's disease. However, in a patient with Lewy body dementia, the proteins are spread widely throughout the brain. This detail most likely could only be uncoveredthrough an autopsy....
Williams was initially diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, but an autopsy showed he had Lewy body disease.