dead language, that I voluntarily studied Latin verse – Ovid, Virgil and various other ancient poets whose names I completely forget. Beavering away alongside me all those years ago was a true A + classic scholar. His name was Michael Fallon, now Defence Secretary for Cameron’s UK ...
The European Robin was one of the many species originally described by Linnaeus in his 18th century work, Systema Naturae, under the name of Motacilla rubecula. Its specific epithet rubecula is a diminutive derived from the Latin ruber 'red'. The genus Erithacus was created by French naturalist...
UK Hong Kong US Language English Latin Arabic Region Filming Locations Hungary Croatia Social Media Links official_website facebookRobinHoodTheMovie twitterRobinHoodMovie instagramRobinHoodMovie imdbtt4532826 Cast Section Actor ...
Arnaz was also internationally renowned for leading his Latin music band, the Desi Arnaz Orchestra. Ball and he are generally credited as the inventors of the rerun in connection with I Love Lucy. Leo Robin’s iconic song says it best —“Thanks for the Memory.” For your enjoyment, here ...
Singer, pianist, and Manhattan School of Music, New York graduate Hilary Cameron blends Latin jazz with the soulful style of Joni Mitchell. In-demand across London and the US, Hilary has performed at top venues like Ronnie Scott’s and Smalls NYC. Known for her role as an accompanist, this...
Singer, pianist, and Manhattan School of Music, New York graduate Hilary Cameron blends Latin jazz with the soulful style of Joni Mitchell. In-demand across London and the US, Hilary has performed at top venues like Ronnie Scott’s and Smalls NYC. Known for her role as an accompanist, this...
A novel string-inspired gravitational theory in four spacetime dimensions is proposed as a sum of the modified (𝑅+𝛼𝑅2)(R+αR2) gravity motivated by the Starobinsky inflation and the leading Bel–Robinson-tensor-squared correction to the gravitational effective action of superstrings/M-theo...