41 225 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 罗宾汉 - 侠盗王子 19:33 226 Day Dreamin' Davey 大卫之幻想历险记 16:49 227 Kabuki Quantum Fighter 地狱极乐丸 18:09 228 Power Blade 刀锋斗士/能源战士 20:14 229 Top Gun 捍卫战士/壮志凌云 06:53 230 Top Gun - The Second Mission 捍卫战士2/壮志凌云2 ...
Robin Hood information – well-researched articles, ballads, interviews, pictures on the history of the Robin Hood legend from the Middles Ages to today.
surely it was Douglas Fairbanks in Robin Hood that truly cemented the idea of Robin Hood as a returning Crusader -- an idea that was to be reused inthe 1955 TV series, 1991'sRobin Hood: Prince of Thievesand the2006 TV series.
Robin Hood has been envisioned in many different cinematic forms from the laughable (Frank Sinatra’s Robin and the Seven Hoods) to an Americanized Hollywood product (Costner’s Prince of Thieves), but never has it been handled so poorly. After selling his soul to a sorceress Robin is killed...
《罗宾汉新传 第一季 The New Adventures of Robin Hood Season 1》于1997-01-13(美国)上映。是由哈利·柯克利斯执导, 由Fred Weintraub担任主编, 演员Matthew Porretta, 约翰·布莱德利, 理查德·阿什顿主演的《罗宾汉新传 第一季 The New Adventures of Robin Hood Season 1》是一部动作, 冒险类型电影。