Robin Hood: Directed by Wolfgang Reitherman, David Hand. With Roger Miller, Peter Ustinov, Terry-Thomas, Brian Bedford. The story of the legendary British outlaw portrayed with the characters as anthropomorphic animals.
Hugh Jackman & Jodie Comer Will Reimagine 'The Death of Robin Hood' Hugh Jackman The new movie comes from director Michael Sarnoski. By Lade Omotade May 3, 2024 The 10 Most Underrated Russell Crowe Movies, Ranked Russell Crowe Russell Crowe has been in so many movies. that some...
“Robin Hood” is getting the live-action, hybrid treatment at Disney+, which is developing a remake of the 1976 animated classic with “Blindspotting” director Carlos López Estrada at the helm.Variety reported that the studio will bring Kari Granlund, who wrote Disney+’s live-action “Lady...
As the movie that I entirely changed my opinion upon second viewing,Robin Hoodis a 1973Disneyanimated film which is their first film to be based on a historical/mythical figure. As I said above,Robin Hoodis one of the rareDisneyflicks that I thoroughly disliked when I first saw it a coup...
Movie Review: Ah, ‘Robin Hood’, a tale as old as time, which has inspired so many adaptations and interpretations – including the 1938 Errol Flynn classic, the 1973 Disney animation, the 1991 Kevin Costner romance, and the 2010 Russell Crowe war drama – that you wonder if you should ...
《罗宾汉》(Robin Hood)是一部由雷德利·斯科特执导、罗素·克劳和凯特·布兰切特联袂主演的史诗电影,于2010年5月14日在美国上映,该片亦被定为第63届戛纳电影节的开幕影片。影片聚焦于罗宾汉成为传奇和传说前的生活经历,讲述了他是如何从法外之徒变为国家英雄,又是如何从国家英雄变为侠盗的传奇故事...
Yes. the film is quite different from the Warner Brothers "Robin Hood"...darker and less comical but still quite good...which surprised me a bit since the film was made by Disney. However, Richard Todd was a fine actor and he and the rest of the cast were quite good in the movie....
Robin Hood information – well-researched articles, ballads, interviews, pictures on the history of the Robin Hood legend from the Middles Ages to today.
Robin Hood(1973) 2/10 Oh boy oh boy... 30 October 2010 I don't like this movie. I'm not alone in my distaste for Robin Hood. During its making, whispers spread among the staff (Ward Kimball and director Wolfgang Reitherman at least are recorded as complaining to each other). This...
saying it belongs in the top 250 of all times, but in it's genre it is a great movie. I know, not many people find it amusing to see how a legendary story like 'Robin Hood' is turned into a comedy. Many people still seem to believe that some things shouldn't be laughed with ....