Elementary: Blazier Elementary School Middle: Paredes Middle School High: Akins High School District: Austin Independent School District This data may not be complete. We recommend contacting the local school district to confirm school assignments for this home. GreatSchools rating 6/10 Blazier Elementa...
Thomasboro Elementary K - 8 public 573 3 reviews 0.2 mi 5 Movement Charter School K - 7 public 567 N/A 1.3 mi 2 West Charlotte High 9 - 12 public 1374 7 reviews 2.3 mi Great Schools Ratings are based on student performance on state tests, progress over time, and college readiness, in...
Sponsorof the Cabrillo Education Foundation, Hatch Elementary School PTO, the Coastside Farmers' Market, and the Half Moon Bay Little League. Currentlya member of MLS Listings, San Mateo County Association of Realtors, California Association of Realtors, and National Association of Realtors. ...