1. 罗伯伍德强生 新泽西医学牙医大学罗伯伍德强生(Robert Wood Johnson)医学院生物物理教授麻建杰,去年因发现MG53修复蛋白正式公诸於 … www.worldjournal.com|基于35个网页 2. 约翰逊 球队自2000年以来一直被罗伯特.吴德.约翰逊(Robert Wood Johnson)拥有,价值多达5.67亿美元。休斯顿得克萨斯人队 休… ...
1. 罗伯特伍德约翰逊基金会 在罗伯特伍德约翰逊基金会(Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)的要求下,IOM责成研究委员会评估儿少的体适能测试项目 … enews.nhri.org.tw|基于41个网页 2. 罗伯特伍德强森基金会 一项由非营利组织罗伯特伍德强森基金会(Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)赞助的研究发现:透过体育课,孩子每天能...
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) has launched a $5 million program featuring nine prototype applications for personal health records. The prototypes range from a Vanderbilt University medication management system to help children with...Alan Naditz...
He was a major participant in the Infant Health and Development Program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and became the local Principal Investigator from 1984 to 1986. Notably, he was instrumental in developing the high quality Neonatal Follow-up Program which remains active today. ...
It was on a contour map signed by Scrivener that Burley Griffin and the other design competition contestants drew their entries. Terry Birtles has been writing about Charles Scrivener for many decades, including in The Globe, championing Scrivener's claims to greater...
indulgencesThe sale of indulgences in church; woodcut from the title page of Luther's pamphlet On Aplas von Rom, published anonymously in Augsburg, 1525.(more) Martin Luther claimed that what distinguished him from previous reformers was that while they attacked corruption in the life of the chu...