Stained-Glass Windows by Artist Brian Clarke Installed at Immanuel Chapel Virginia Theological Seminary today installed three stained-glass windows by artist Brian Clarke in their Immanuel Chapel, designed by our firm and consecrated in 2015. The three windows, supported by three generous donors, featu...
创作者:Edward Robert Hughes 创作年代:1909 风格:浪漫主义 体裁:肖像画 版权信息:Public Domain(公有领域) ARTIST 爱德华·罗伯特·休斯 爱德华·罗伯特·休斯(Edward Robert Hughes 1851 - 1914),是一位英国画家,他主要以水彩画创作,但也创作了一些油画作品。
He pointed out that for vitality and point with his treatment of the theme of his painting. With this constant activity as an artist, his bold character and many adventures gained universal admiration and sympathy. In his fourth chapter, l'imagines Jacques Delille celebrating the loss of Robert...
英文:David Roberts, Artist, in Arab Dress 类型:布面油画 尺寸:133cm × 101.3cm 日期:1840年 收藏:苏格兰国立肖像美术馆,英国 标签: 《大卫罗伯茨,艺术家,穿着阿拉伯服装》(英文:David Roberts, Artist, in Arab Dress) 是英国艺术家『Robert Scott Lauder』 于1840年 所作。
Two Roberts and Violet(系列:无系列作品), 1983 绘画, Acrylic on cotton with sewn fabrics, 2515x2696mm 艺术家:Robert Kushner 展出经历 1985惠特尼双年展(国际展) 1985.03.13 - 1985.06.09 ...已闭幕 惠特尼美国艺术博物馆(旧馆) (美国 New York City, NY) '00 ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Wikipedia Hen·ri (hĕn′rē),Robert1865-1929. American artist noted for his unsentimentally realistic portraits and streetscapes and for his role in founding the Ashcan school of art. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyrig...
Define Robert Graves. Robert Graves synonyms, Robert Graves pronunciation, Robert Graves translation, English dictionary definition of Robert Graves. Noun 1. Robert Graves - English writer known for his interest in mythology and in the classics Graves, R
Matthews III and UK artist, David Lupton. Robert is best known for being the primary songwriter/bassist of the hard-rock group Life of Agony and the creator of the acclaimed Wire Hangers comic series. Crawl to Me is currently being adapted into a feature film with screenwriters T.J. Cim...
The amazing story of the world-famous angel artist, illustrated with full-color reproductions of his inspiring art. Folklore BIG MEN, BIG COUNTRY: A Collection of American Tall Tales Rambunctious, rollicking, rootin' tootin' retellings of nine American tall tales. ...
And there at the artist’s inn of Chez Chevillon, Stevenson met his future wife Fanny Osbourne. We have Lloyd Osbourne’s later recollection of Stevenson arriving, vaulting though the open window from the street and being greeted with delight by the company around the dinner table. Louis was ...