This adventure film set in the Belgian Congo follows a nurse and a roguish adventurer as they search for a rare medicinal plant while evading danger at every turn. Mitchum's portrayal of the charming but enigmatic Lonni Douglas adds depth and excitement to the thrilling narrative....
In its way, that made starting anew, rather than trying to simply recreate the past, an easier path to follow. "The whole deal is that there has always been some kind of ridiculous responsibility. That's what I wanted to get rid of," Plant added. "I didn't want to be responsible f...
We settle in with the June 21 issue (which leads this post) with White once again, this time enjoying a drive to Stamford, Conn., where he admired the “splendor” of the Condé Nast printing plant (apparently the plant also printed The New Yorker, although the magazine itself would not...
- PSA: Sour Visits Sonic Chemical Plant in Dark Castle - Arguments - Portnoy's Sanction (Sex is Pretty Good) - Hammond Song - Wyatt's Gangsta Rap Yea Pwned - Screaming for Some Peace - 40th Anniversary - Love Song Louise vol. 2 - Prelude to a Sanitary Apocalypse - The Suicide ...
Most notably, Our Lives and Our Children pictures individuals who lived at risk downwind from the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant, where Adams himself once lived. Over the years he has also published four small books of essays and interviews (Beauty in Photography, Why People Photograph, Along...
Frank O’Hara –“Joe’s Jacket” Robert Duncan –“Four Pictures of the Real Universe” Denise Levertov –“The Rainwalkers” Gregory Corso –“Rembrandt – Self Portrait” Gregory Corso –“Emily Dickenson” Gregory Corso –“Walk”
Plant recorded "Walking Into Clarksdale" with former Zeppelin bandmateand has visited the town numerous times. The rock star is returning to Clarksdale this weekend to headline the Sunflower River Blues and Gospel Festival's 25th anniversary celebration with his new roots-music band, the Sensation...
“large greenhouse full of hundreds of different succulent species” provided the necessary catalyst. As she explained in an interview withPatron: “It blew me away to see so much slight variety within the same category of plant and this experience sent me down a path of experimenting with ...
As she explained in an interview with Patron:“It blew me away to see so much slight variety within the same category of plant and this experience sent me down a path of experimenting with books in the studio; I wanted to see how many different shapes and objects I could make out of ...