Ashcroft himself has compared the experience to Lord of the Flies, and the sessions were capped when producer Owen Morris hurled a chair through a window. “He was just happy, you know?” explained Ashcroft. Promoting the album, the singer said, “The moment we’re not getting turned on b...
莫利斯博士 (Dr. Henry M. Morris) 說: 請注意在這節經文中,聖靈同時被稱作 "神的靈" 和 "基督的靈"。這兩個是同義詞:因此基督是神、聖靈也是神 (Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.,The Defender's Study Bible,World Publishing, 1995 edition, 第 1239頁; 對羅馬書 8:9 的註解)。 因此我深信,因信而住在...