Ashcroft himself has compared the experience to Lord of the Flies, and the sessions were capped when producer Owen Morris hurled a chair through a window. “He was just happy, you know?” explained Ashcroft.Promoting the album, the singer said, “The moment we’re not getting turned on by...
, Jan Cepak, Frank Goldmann, Emiliano Trentini, Cruiser Son, Basement Guys, Mark Marin, Gorge Morris, Josephine Rulek, Off Red, Heidi Thomas, Dennis Poulsen, Gee Cee, Hot Pink Nails, Rasul Bazhaev, Mojoto Blanco, Lovre Ivanec, House Plastik, Brown Balmelli, Martin Morgan, Tony Rojal, ...
莫利斯博士 (Dr. Henry M. Morris) 說: 請注意在這節經文中,聖靈同時被稱作 "神的靈" 和 "基督的靈"。這兩個是同義詞:因此基督是神、聖靈也是神 (Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.,The Defender's Study Bible,World Publishing, 1995 edition, 第 1239頁; 對羅馬書 8:9 的註解)。 因此我深信,因信而住在...