8月23日Robert F. Kennedy Jr.在亚利桑那州背书川普总统。肯尼迪家族的家国情怀在小肯尼迪身上得到传承,这又将是一位会被历史铭记,在关键时刻救美国的肯尼迪。这个视频帮你了解被川普提名卫生与公众服务部(HHS)部长的小肯尼迪的计划。美国的食品安全现状触目惊心!与大国有的一拼。民众也关心肯尼迪总统遇刺案的真相...
Kennedy said Biden and Trump are "both right" about his potential spoiler role. "My intention is to spoil it for both of them," he said. "I've come here today to declare our independence from the tyranny of corruption, which robs us of affordable lives, our belief in the future, and...
美国总统特朗普的卫生部长提名人Robert F. Kennedy Jr.宣称,“我并不反对疫苗,也不反对(医药)行业”。本周稍晚,RFK Jr.将出席美国参议院关于确认其提名资格的听证会。
President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday selected Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who ran as an independent in the 2024 presidential race and then endorsed Trump, to lead the Health and Human Services (HHS) Department. "For ...
Washington— President-elect Donald Trump said Thursday in a social media post that he'll nominate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. "I am thrilled to announce Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as The United States Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS)...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. formally announces run for president in Boston on Wednesday The Democrat made the official announcement Wednesday at the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston.Apr 20, 2023 Twitter Facebook Email Live Now CBS News 24/7 CBS News Baltimore...
Trump picks Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead HHS President-elect Donald Trump said he has picked Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a vaccine skeptic, to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, he wrote in a social media post Thursday.
President-elect Donald Trump 's plan to appoint Robert F. Kennedy Jr., to lead the Health and Human Services Department will put a prominent vaccine skeptic at the helm of the nation's sprawling public health apparatus.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., 图右,69岁,肯尼迪总统的侄子,2024民主党初选参选人,律师,非民主党职业政客,因为上周在Joe Rogan播客讲述反疫苗,人气大增,但是,离能打败民主党建制派支持的候选人拜登还差很远;更何况民主党初选根本没有民🐷,到开民主党党大会提名总统候选人时,超级代表可以不管谁赢得最多州,随便投民...
Former Trump adviserSteve Bannonhad been encouraging Kennedy to run for months, believing he could be both a useful chaos agent in the 2024 race and a big name who could help stoke anti-vaccine sentiment around the country, sources familiar with the matter told CBS News' Robert Costa. ...