Define Robert Graves. Robert Graves synonyms, Robert Graves pronunciation, Robert Graves translation, English dictionary definition of Robert Graves. Noun 1. Robert Graves - English writer known for his interest in mythology and in the classics Graves, R
Georges Lautner obituary Director of witty French comedy-thrillersSince the dawn of cinema, France has simultaneously and uninterruptedly produced good mainstream movies and arthouse films. Georges Lautner, who has died aged 87, unabashedly claimed that the almost 50 films he directed from 1958 to ...
From his obituary: Pianist Victor Borge, died in his sleep Dec 23, 2000 at his Greenwich, Connecticut home, was known as the unmelancholy Dane of international show business. He would have turned 92 on Jan. 3, 2001. “The cause of death was heart failure,” his daughter, Sanna Feirstein...
5George Shirley, obituary tribute, “Guest Book for Robert McFerrin, Sr., (, November 27, 2006. ___ The Singer Speaks Robert McFerrin was interviewed by tenorGeorge Shirleyon May 5, 1975, for Shirley’s r...
Kevin Feige Says Iron Man Can Live On Without Robert Downey Jr. & Continue Like James Bond Or Batman With New Actors