Robert Frost(罗伯特·弗罗斯特)《Design》《设计》解析 目录 关于《设计》的简要信息 《设计》原文与译文 《Design》原文 《设计》译文(粗译) 《设计》摘要 《设计》主题 上帝的作用和存在 《设计》象征 白色 《设计》的形式、节拍和韵律方案 形式 节拍 韵律方案 《设计》演讲者 《设计》设置 《设计》的文学和...
Robert Frost is based Talent, Oregon – and doing business worldwide. We love working on the smallest and most local of projects, while also being capable of becoming your outsourced Marketing Department. Let us take that responsibility off your plate. Productive, creative, and efficient, ...
求Robert Frost 的 design 的翻译. 谢谢!I found a dimpled spider, fat and white, On a white heal-all, holding up a moth Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth-- Assorted characters of death and blight Mixed ready to begin the morning right, Like the ingredients of a witches' broth--...
诗歌朗诵 Robert Frost-Design 圈套 Hewasapoetwho ※wasknownasthemostpopularmorden poetinAmerica.※oncesaid:"Literaturebeginswithgeography."※hadreceived44honorarydegrees.※hadbeenawardedthePulitzerPrizefor4times.※1961,wasinvitedtoreadatthe inaugurationofJohnF.Kennedy.He’sRobertFrost (1874--1963)In...
Design by Robert Frost - I found a dimpled spider, fat and white, On a white heal-all, holding up a moth Like a white piece of rigid satin clot
The poet has found a strange white variety and, stranger still, attached to it a white spinner, "a snow-drop spider" , holding a white moth, completing a pattern of whiteness. Here, in a world of chaos and darkness, there is purpose and design—"if"(the poet speculates whimsically)"...
‘Design’ by Robert Frost depicts creation at the hands of a malevolent creator who designed the world with “death and blight” in mind. The poem begins with the speaker discussing a spider and moth he found on the top of a flower. They came together there, as if kindred spirits, in...
Explore Design by Robert Frost. Read the poem, learn the summary, study an in-depth analysis, examine the themes, and understand the symbolism and...
求Robert Frost 的 design 的翻译. 谢谢!I found a dimpled spider, fat and white, On a white heal-all, holding up a moth Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth-- Assorted characters of death and blight Mixed ready to begin the morning right, Like the ingredients of a witches' broth--...
The narrator is uncertain whether what's witnessed is by design - by design of a cruel or malevolent force (as suggested by the 'witches' broth- simile) . But he seems inclined to think it is. There is irony and dark playfulness to boot: 'Mixed ready to begin the morning right'/'....