i find myself on a ferry to nantucket with robert f. kennedy jr.—son of bobby, nephew of john, democratic candidate for president of the united states. trapped between kennedy on my left and a window facing the atlantic ocean to my right, it is no exaggeration to say this is the low...
In times of foreign crisis, Wicker pointed out, the last two Presidents before Johnson, right or wrong, had been able to count on that reverence: Eisenhower after the U-2 incident, Kennedy despite the Bay of Pigs; Kennedy until the very day he died could be certain of the nation’s ...
In the months that followed, however, Kennedy’s campaign struggled. As an independent candidate, he faced a difficult—and costly—battle to get his name on state ballots. In addition, his poll numbers fell, especially as several negative stories emerged. Notably, in August 2024 Kennedy admitte...
Why Kennedy’s Best Polls May Overstate His SupportNon-major-party candidates almost always fade by Election Day, and Kennedy’s poll numbers may be inflated due to question order. By Ed Kilgore candidate debates May 31, 2024 Kennedy Fights for Game-Changing Spot on the Debate StageAfraid ...