The documentary follows the life of Robert Durst, who is the son of the late Seymour Durst, one of New York's richest real estate investors and developers. For years Robert has been suspected of killing 3 people: His wife, his female friend, and his neighbor. However, he always managed ...
Robert Durst's lawyers concede he had written the note directing police to the home where his best friend, Susan Berman, was shot just before Christmas of 2000 Jan 1, 2020 Friend of victim in Robert Durst case suspected someone else ...
However, he served only a few months of his sentence before dying in custody on January 10, 2022, after suffering cardiac arrest. Durst did take the stand during the Berman trial, addressing his now famous comments at the end of the Jinx series. "What I did not say...
but Robert Durst tells a very different story. He says he dropped her off to catch a train back to New York City and that's the last time he ever saw her.
The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst《纽约灾星(2015)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,他没有被判死刑 It wont be the death chamber, 甚至不用坐牢 and it might not even be prison. 罗伯特·德斯特很快就会被释放 Robert Durst could soon be back
Suddenly, the “Durst connection” —Was she killed because she’d been harboring some secret about Bobby? Was he sending her cash out of kindness, or to buy her silence?— piqued the interest of the national media. By early February in Los Angeles, you couldn’t visit Susan’s Benedict...
The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst《纽约灾星(2015)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,在以前的案件里我从没见过 Ive never seen anybody send a letter like that 有人那样寄信 描述说在某个地方 in previous cases stating theres a cadaver, 有一具
41、They're both on ancient,十二到十四岁之间的罗伯特·德斯特的信头12-, 14-year-old Robert Durst letterhead.-我知道 -这是伪造的I understand. - This was falsified.所以你要深挖他的内心So, you're going to have to dig in on him.他说 我没有写这个信封He says, "I didn't write that enve...
Longtime close friends of Robert Durst, Emily and Stewart Altman defended his strange behavior in a 2003 interview. “He was so afraid that he picked up and ran off to Galveston, dressed like a woman. Now, can you imagine the fear that must have been in his mind,” said Stewart Altman...
Durst’s schizophrenic call-and-response was not merely a moment of great dramatic intensity; it also serves as the tipping point which put police finally back on his trail. The day before Durst’s intimate confession aired, he was arrested in a New Orleans hotel where he was staying under...