Rob Zombie, the heavy-metal musician turned director, has confirmed that he will write and direct a feature film based on “The Munsters,” the ’60s sitcom about a family of friendly monsters.“Attention Boils and Ghouls!,” Zombie wrote on Instagram.“The rumors are true! My next film ...
There are a lot of cameos in Guardians of the Galaxy: Nathan Fillion, Lloyd Kaufman, and Alexis Denisof all appear in the film, as well as Rob Zombie's Michael Myers, Tyler Bates. Zombie provides a voiceover as the Ravager Navigator in the film, something that Gunn referred to as his...
There are a lot of cameosinGuardians of the Galaxy: Nathan Fillion, Lloyd Kaufman, and Alexis Denisof all appear in the film, as well as Rob Zombie's Michael Myers, Tyler Bates. Zombie provides a voiceover as the Ravager Navigator in the film, something that Gunn referred to as his "...
Rob Zombie’s Halloween remake and its sequel are divisive with audiences, largely due to their replacement of the subtlety of John Carpenter’s iconic film with excessive violence and a generally bleak atmosphere. However, one aspect of the 2007 effort that does work reasonably well is the use...
Sheri Moon Zombie, Tyler Mane, Scout Taylor-Compton, Brad Dourif, Danielle Harris, and William Forsythe. The "reimagining" follows Michael Myers who murdered his family as a child and becomes institutionalized at an asylum, before breaking out and stalking Laurie Strode and her friends on Hallowe...
Currently up to Zombie’s likely white-trashified ‘re-imagining’ of that iconic knife-wielding killing machine known as The Shape, née Michael Myers, in my viewing of all things franchise “Halloween”, I decided to concurrently follow a tangent of catching up on the cinematic output (I ...
Michael Myers’ mom into a stripper and burdened one of our most famously implacable phantom killers with that most played of serial killer tropes: torturing small animals in childhood. Zombie’sHalloweenis a film that is not short on clever stylistic flourishes: Zombie is a true advocate for ...
First Look at Ken Foree, Sheri Moon Zombie, and Jeff Daniel Phillips from The Lords of Salem 7/4/2012 by Jonathan James DailyDead Rob Zombie's The Lords of Salem - Your First Look at the Big H Radio Team! 7/4/2012 by Uncle Creepy ...
How 'I Put a Spell on You' Inspired Paul McCartney 1/5/2025 by Matthew Trzcinski Showbiz Cheat Sheet Halloween Halloween (2007) – What Happened to This Horror Movie? 10/28/2024 by Andrew Hatfield Brad Dourif is retired from acting, except for his work as Chucky ...
Zombie very much brought that aesthetic to his 2007 remake ofHalloween, which remains the most divisive film he's made to date. Some feel his attempt to explore what made Michael Myers into a monster was worthwhile, while others feel Zombie's presentation of Michael as a victim of abuse an...