Sheri Moon Zombie, Tyler Mane, Scout Taylor-Compton, Brad Dourif, Danielle Harris, and William Forsythe. The "reimagining" follows Michael Myers who murdered his family as a child and becomes institutionalized at an asylum, before breaking out and stalking Laurie Strode and her friends on Hallowe...
Rob Zombie’s Halloween remake and its sequel are divisive with audiences, largely due to their replacement of the subtlety of John Carpenter’s iconic film with excessive violence and a generally bleak atmosphere. However, one aspect of the 2007 effort that does work reasonably well is the use...
Mr. Zombie's "Halloween" Love this film Don't we love it now? Everyone's waiting for the next surprise Captain Kirk mask might give you heart attacks You'll scream like a banshee Make you jump out of your skin This is "Halloween", everyone scream ...