Rob Zombie’s Halloween remake and its sequel are divisive with audiences, largely due to their replacement of the subtlety of John Carpenter’s iconic film with excessive violence and a generally bleak atmosphere. However, one aspect of the 2007 effort that does work reasonably well is the use...
Sheri Moon Zombie, Tyler Mane, Scout Taylor-Compton, Brad Dourif, Danielle Harris, and William Forsythe. The "reimagining" follows Michael Myers who murdered his family as a child and becomes institutionalized at an asylum, before breaking out and stalking Laurie Strode and her friends on Hallowe...
20. Rob Zombie Rob Zombie is not just a frontman — he’s an entertainer. With constant circus themes cropping up lyrically and visually, he acts as the ring leader for the duration of the set, with each member of the band almost like a feature attraction of their own. The mechanized r...