This is not a bug in Basic Hardware Inventory; any WMI based inventory will display the same incorrect results. If WinSAT scores remain empty or zero in Windows 8.1 and later: open an elevated CMD prompt and run the command winsat.exe formal once (and again after major hardware changes) ...
Most of my scripting skills come from trial and error. It helps to have at least one "non-production" computer available, and to regularly make backups. Internet searches are also extremely useful when facing a "challenge".Sometimes, however, it can be useful or just fun to learn more ...
VBScript Scripting Techniques: File Open Dialog File Open Dialog UserAccounts.CommonDialog
Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages: Batch Files for DOS, Windows (all flavors) and OS/2; PowerShell; Rexx; KiXtart; VBScript; Perl; HTA
Most of my scripting skills come from trial and error. It helps to have at least one "non-production" computer available, and to regularly make backups. Internet searches are also extremely useful when facing a "challenge".Sometimes, however, it can be useful or just fun to learn more ...
Sometimes, however, it can be useful or just fun to learn more scripting skills from books. On this page I present some of the books that helped me get a basic knowledge of scripting. They are by no means the only books you can use, nor can I guarantee they are the best. ...
On this page I present some document conversion scripts and programs I wrote. Note that the scripts using Microsoft Office or Corel WordpPerfect Office usually accept other known input formats too, or otherwise these scripts can easily be modified to do so....
Created with (a lot of) assistance from Bas van der Woude. 💾 ❔ Printing.vbs List printers with status and number of printjobs, or pause or resume printing on the specified printer(s), or flush all printjobs, or list all printers, their status and number of printjobs 2010-09-15 ...
COMMAND /C %~s0 /C %* GOTO:EOF :COMMAND PATH %2 ECHO.%PATH% This code may be compact, but to use the result in a variable would require additional code: @ECHO OFF IF "%1"=="/C" GOTO COMMAND FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('COMMAND /C %~s0 /C %*') DO SET UpCase=%%A ...
Most of my scripting skills come from trial and error. It helps to have at least one "non-production" computer available, and to regularly make backups. Internet searches are also extremely useful when facing a "challenge".Sometimes, however, it can be useful or just fun to learn more ...