For example, four years after we couldn’t finish an anti-SLAPP bill to close Virginia to libel tourists, nobody tried to introduce one this year. And a year after a bill to restore direct online filing of state taxes got quashed in a House committee, nobody tried to fix that either....
fighting to seize goods from a rival team, or helping to push back opposition while trying to help an ally get away - that trumps any thrill of even the best AI opposition in my opinion. Whether it be a Business Battle or a RDO free mode job. And saying I should stick to Showdowns...
10in by 12in Oils. On my way back to Dorset next day, this is Farnham. The sun was out for just about 2 min so I had to slap on the highlights with mad abandon. A bit rough and ready but I think I have the makings of a studio picture. 10in by 12in Oils. A studio picture...