IMPORTANT:The only true way to determine if a turkey is safely cooked all the way through, is by measuring the internal temperature of the bird with a meat thermometer. For an accurate reading, the thermometer should be inserted into the thickest part of a thigh not touching the bone, and ...
You should use a heavy roasting pan big enough to cook your turkey. The larger the turkey the higher the meat to bone ratio. The pan should also have a lid on. This is to ensure that the wings don’t dry out before the bread is cooked. It is recommended to thaw your turkey for s...
Carefully line your knife up with the bony ridge nestled between the turkey breasts and slice along the rib cage until you have a whole, boneless breast. Do the same with the other side. Put the wings and rib cage aside. Slice your lemon and/or peel and slice your garlic. Use your fi...
Insert a regular meat thermometer deep into the thigh of the hen before placing it in the oven, making sure the probe isn't touching bone. If you have an instant-read thermometer, check the hen about 5 minutes before the end of your anticipated cooking time. When the temp reaches its ma...