I have gotten to the point where I am just too afraid,that you are going to meet your end. 这就是我心头之大患——你已穷途末路。 My scream echo out through the fire,and your rival dare stand in my way. 我的怒吼回荡在烈焰间,你的对手无畏地立于我身前。 Yes,this is a hardship most...
泰拉瑞亚灾厄mod--Roar of The Jungle Dragon翻译 最近在听灾厄的歌,感觉心血来潮,于是翻译了一下歌词。仅是我个人的版本,转译较多,仅代表我对歌词原意的理解。欢迎各位提出建议!头图在网上找的,侵删 Roar of the JungleDragon -DM Dokuro 龙终燎哮 The enemy ascended beyond your control; 敌人的崛起僭越了...
【Calamity Mod】Roar of the Jungle Dragon(犽戎之怒吼)【Calamity Mod】Roar of the Jungle Dragon(犽戎之怒吼) 泰拉瑞亚灾厄OST(已排序) 85653 08:24详情 评论 7 推荐 二次元【Calamity Mod】Roar of the Jungle Dragon(犽戎之怒吼)Roar of the Jungle Dragon(犽戎之怒吼)灾厄...
DM DOKURO - Roar of the Jungle Dragon
The roar of the jungle dragon (自唱版,不喜勿喷) 2021-07-11 20:43:3901:54514 所属专辑:泰拉瑞亚灾厄音乐 声音简介 第一次录音,见笑了 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 当前评论用户 一只无限黑暗 0030 简介:"我虽为黑暗,光明的尽头就是黑暗,黑暗的尽头则是希望!"...
681 Dragon Tales by:双语成长之旅 4.8万 Dragon Masters by:EvaW依依 3.1万 Dragon tales by:小桃哈尼 506 Dragon Masters by:Kelly_LS 2.5万 Dragon Egg by:鹅妈妈英语启蒙 77.9万 Dragon Masters by:潇玛丽 2597 Dragon egg by:PeterTreeHouse 3040 Dragon Girls by:Megan_Bi ...
Video Game Music Box - Roar of the Jungle Dragon
DM DOKURO - Roar of the Jungle Dragon 专辑:The Tale of a Cruel World (Calamity Original Game Soundtrack) 歌手:DM DOKURO DM DOKURO - Roar of the Jungle Dragon The enemy ascended beyond your control Or was that all your intention They have managed to demolish whatever we made ...