CF1413F Roads and Ramen 题解 Link. Codeforces Luogu Description. 给定一个树,边带权0,10,1,支持单边翻转。 每次查询长度为00的链的最大值。 Solution. 首先我们发现了一个性质,答案路径必然经过直径一端。 详细证明参见这篇题解,感性理解的话就是从直径不断删一端的边。 然后就做完了,可以考虑维护单点...
CF1413F Roads and Ramen 题解 Codeforces Luogu Description. 给定一个树,边带权\(0,1\),支持单边翻转。 每次查询长度为\(0\)的链的最大值。 Solution. 首先我们发现了一个性质,答案路径必然经过直径一端。 详细证明参见这篇题解,感性理解的话就是从直径不断删一端的边。 然后就做完了,可以考虑维护单点...
Codeforces 题目传送门&洛谷题目传送门 其实是一道还算一般的题罢……大概是最近刷长链剖分,被某道长链剖分与直径结合的题爆踩之后就点开了这题。 本题的难点就在于看出一个性质:最长路径的其中一个端点一定是直径的某一个端点。 证明:首先我们找出原树的一个直径,如果直径上标记边的个数为偶数那显然这条直径...
He directed me on which train car and direction to take. Then he met me at the Aomonoyokocho station and guided me to the hotel.Whew.I had just flown fourteen hours non-stop from Newark… luckily, the adrenaline was kicking in. Dinner in Tokyo Nancy enjoys her ramen Tony found a small...
Travel to Otsu in Shiga prefecture, located on the banks of Lake Biwa, Japan's largest freshwater lake. Settle in and relax with a stroll around this picturesque lake before heading out to enjoy a delicious bowl of Ramen for dinner.
Travelers are often surprised to find that some foods typically associated with Japan (ramen, fried dumplings, gyoza and more) are actually inspired by foreign dishes and are not strictly “Japanese.” Read our Food in Japan - What to Know and Eat article for more info. Safety Tips Japan is...
For three months Watanabe rotted in his bedsheets, alongside pots of instant ramen and swarming cockroaches. The day that someone eventually called, he came not out of concern but out of administration. Watanabe had run out of money, and his bank had stopped paying the rent. The exasperated ...
and old men who have done nothing their entire lives but turn ground buckwheat into soba noodles. And in Tokyo, thousands of ramen bars andsubterranean izakayashare cement with hushed temples of raw fish run by Jiro Ono, Japan’s most famous sushi master, and a crew of single-minded fish ...
Ramen WPM Japan Gyoza MOMIJI Yakisoba & Fish Cake Colotako Takoyaki Daruma Bento & Lunch Box City of Tokyo TRADITIONAL JAPAN Japan Club of Sydney Consulate-General of Japan at Sydney Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau East Honshu (Appi, Zao, Inawashiro) JAPAN EXPO The Japan Expo is being...
XVII.CF1413F Roads and Ramen 首先,注意到本题等价于求路径上所有边权的异或和为00的路径长度的最大值。 然后,我们要猜/证明出一个结论,即任意一条极长合法路径,其必有一个端点是直径端点。 证明: 我们设有一条直径(S,T)(S,T)。我们再设colicoli表示从ii节点到根节点(不妨设为11号节点)上所有边权的...