A product roadmap acts as a strategic guide, outlining a product’s vision, direction, and progression over time. For businesses, it poses as a crucial tool for team alignment, prioritizing activities, and communicating upcoming features to stakeholders. In this blog post, we show 10 product ro...
Atalent roadmapserves as a strategic plan for recruiting, engaging, and managing a company’s workforce over time and is essential for any recruitment team that wants to stay on top of its game in 2023. Talent roadmaps also outline the skills, experiences, and competencies needed to support ...
Adigital marketing roadmapis a plan that guides an organization’s digital marketing efforts toward its strategic goals. It is a comprehensive, long-term plan outlining the steps and milestones necessary to succeed in the digital field. With a clear roadmap, stakeholders can align their efforts, ...
A product roadmap is a visual step-by-step plan for the product's development. It may include upcoming features, tech considerations, and show how a product will evolve over time. Roadmaps often look like aGantt chartor a mind map but for strategic planning. Yet Gantt charts aren't agile...
A well-designed strategic roadmap can act like a blueprint for your business, outlining how your company will execute its strategies to successfully achieve its future goals. A good roadmap not only can tell a business where it currently stands and outline the quickest way to get to its d...
A marketing roadmap is a plan and timeline for finishing your project or campaign. Like any other roadmap, it should have a clear starting point (start date), waymarkers (project milestones), and destination (deadline). Your roadmap’s format is ultimately up to you. The key is finding...
It’s the why, what, and when for this project. Note: If you continue to use this document throughout the project, it will need to change as your discovery phases occur and the strategic plan evolves. Why is a project roadmap important? One of the biggest values a project roadmap ...
Recommended:Strategic Plan Templates While many define road mapping as a visualization of a product’s timeline, it can extend beyond that depending on the specific ambitions of a company’s product portfolio. For example, a chemical company’s roadmap could emphasize more the factors like regulato...
Product roadmaps are especially helpful in Agile projects because they help to narrow down the focus and the plan for the product in a very fluid manner. Product roadmaps are used in conjunction with backlogs, which outline the product features and goals for the near future, rather than over...
Request a demo Request a demo Product roadmaps FAQs What is an agile product roadmap? An agile product roadmap is a top-level, strategic plan for a product’s direction. Agile roadmaps list outcomes (i.e. what a business wants to achieve) instead of outputs (i.e. actions that could...