enforcing its bicycle helmet law. This follows last year's quadrupling of the fine for a helmet infraction from $71 to $319 (Aus). According to a national survey, cycling has declined in NSW by about 1/3rd compared to 2015 although caution should be exercised in blaming one specific factor...
movement restrictions were introduced. It was impossible to move except for living, health, and professional purposes. Public transport could accommodate half the number of people seated in a given vehicle. A total ban on gatherings (except for close relatives) has been introduced. On 1 April, ...
Dulac, J. Global and Land Transport Infrastructure Requirements: Estimating Road and Railway Infrastructure Capacity and Costs to 2050; International Energy Agency: Paris, France, 2013. [Google Scholar] Fernández, D.; Kerhoas, D.; Dempsey, A.; Billany, J.; McCabe, G.; Argirova, E. The ...
Jeff, Cutting
Demographic factors associated with pre-licensed driving in a NSW young driver cohort: the DRIVE Study 2010 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, September 2010, Canberra, Australia.Senserrick, T, Chen, HY, Boufous, S, Ivers... RQ Ivers - Australasian Road Safety...
1. The proposed poultry farm does not comply with the Overall Outcomes of The Noosa Plan’s Mary River Catchment Locality, Agricultural Uses and Transport, Roads and Drainage Codes; 2. The proposed poultry farm does not achieve sufficient separation distance from surrounding residences and properties...
HomebushNSW2140Australia StandardsNewZealand Level10,RadioNewZealandHouse, 155TheTerrace, Wellington6001NewZealand ISBN0733722938 AS/NZS3845:19992 PREFACE ThisStandardwaspreparedbytheJointStandardsAustralia/StandardsNewZealand CommitteeCE/33,RoadSafetyBarrierSystems. ...
(Denmark), and the Driverless Shuttle Trial along a specified route in Newcastle NSW (Australia); in other projects, autonomous passenger cars are tested, as, for example, the projects: StreetWise (Leeds, UK), testing self-driving passenger cars with security drivers to provide 24 h service; ...