Road traffic offences can be devastating for you and your family. Whatever the circumstances, we can offer you advice on what you can do.
The penalties currently inflicted do not appear to be effective, that is to say they do not result in a great and permanent improvement in road user behaviour. In our society, traffic offences and resulting penalties are not considered shameful. A new system is proposed which would combine the...
Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to reducing traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be more effective in improving road safety. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant ...
期刊名称:《Road Traffic Reports》 | 2009年第375a438期 关键词: causing death by dangerous driving; diabetes; hypoglycaemia; road traffic offences; serious medical treatment; 2.WARRING DAVIES v DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS 机译:战事v公诉主任 期刊名称:《Road Traffic Reports》 | 2009年第375...
Botswana has one of the highest rates of increase in road traffic accidents and fatalities in the world. The amendment of road laws came with stricter penalties for road offences which included higher fines and longer jail terms. This study uses multiple regression analysis subjecting variables to...
roadsafety,lowriskdriving,vehicleregistrationandpenaltiesfordriving offences.Theroadrulesareaframeworkforthesafeandefficient movementoftrafficonNSWroads.Thisupdatedhandbookisessential readingforanyonelearningtodrive,orupgradingalicence.Itisalsoa goodwayforexperienceddriverstokeepuptodatewithchangestoroad rulesandisinformat...
【实施时间】 【效力属性】 (Cap 374, sections 7 and 14) [25 August 1984] L.N. 300 of 1984 (L.N. 289 of 1983) Cap 374D reg 1 Citation PART I PRELIMINARY These regulations may be cited as the Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) Regulations. Cap 374D reg 2 Interpretation (1) In...
Rules and traffic signs in the UK: Every country has their own rules on the road, written or unwritten. It is important that you know and understand these rules before you go on the road in the UK.
The Cannabis Infringement Notice scheme in Western Australia: a review of policy, police and judicial perspectives Western Australia (WA) became the fourth Australian jurisdiction to adopt a 'prohibition with civil penalties scheme' for minor cannabis offences when its ......
101 and over in a 70 limit Penalties are likely to be higher for offences: in bad weather, near schools or in areas where there are pedestrians or high levels of traffic if you were towing or carrying passengers if you were driving a lorry, bus or taxi, or driving for hire or reward...