Sobre Steep - Estrada para as Olimpíadas PC - DLC Steep™ Road to the Olympics é uma expansão para o Steep, o jogo de ação-esportiva mundial aberto que o leva na jornada para se tornar um campeão olímpico. Explore livremente um enorme mundo aberto, incluindo as icônicas...
本产品包括Steep - Road to the Olympics PC - DLC。需要基本游戏。 玩Steep - Road to the Olympics PC - DLC的三大理由 骑着你的方式-- 用滑雪板、翼装服、滑雪板和滑翔伞征服世界上最壮丽的山峰。 与其他人一起经历难忘的时刻-- 独自骑行或与其他玩家一起分享惊险刺激的骑行。 探索一个巨大的开放世界...
注意:Steep™ - Road to the Olympics 已在 Steam 停售。 DLC 此内容需要在 Steam 上拥有基础游戏Steep™才能畅玩。 关于此内容 Steep™ Road to the Olympics is an expansion for Steep, the open world action-sports game that takes you on the journey to become an Olympic champion. Freely explo...
Steep Welcome Pack£4.99extensionDLC notificationsAlertfavoriteLikeadd_circleTo Libvisibility_offHide The Beaver Costume Pack£3.99extensionDLC notificationsAlertfavoriteLikeadd_circleTo Libvisibility_offHide The Complete Beaver Pack£5.79 extensionDLC...
Steep Credits Silver Pack 79₪ extensionDLC notifications Alert favorite Like add_circle To Lib visibility_off Hide Steep Welcome Pack 24₪ extensionDLC notifications Alert favorite Like add_circle To Lib visibility_off Hide The Beaver Costume Pack 20₪ extensionDLC ...
I really liked this DLC. There was a ton of new events to do and the competition of the olympic events is truly a blast. Also, the story mode is a 10/10, most sports games struggle to create any type of immersive dialogue in a career/story mode and the "road to the olympics" rea...
说实话这个dlc中期重复度太高了 0 有用 Dexter 2022年12月3日 辽宁 PS4 很小很精致 0 有用 曾子米 2024年7月19日 上海 可能滑雪水平还不够 玩起来不知道自己在干嘛 > 返回 极限巅峰:奥运之路 Steep™ - Road to the Olympics 类别:游戏 / 竞速 / 体育 ©...
感受奥运会的精彩瞬间!加入《极限巅峰:奥运之路(Steep:Road To The Olympics)》公测版,参与南韩官方奥林匹克盛事,抢先体验扩展包游戏内容。 徜徉在积雪的日本群山,驰骋于各个独特地标,在全新滑雪场展现你的非凡实力! 本公测版向所有玩家开放,(无需《极限巅峰》基础游戏),但本次测试版仅包括完整游戏体验的一小部分。