Manga Debut JJL Chapter 18 “ This is"Shakedown Road"... Someone's gonna get shook down. ” —Joshu Higashikata,JoJolionChapter 18:"Shakedown Road", Part 1 Shakedown Road(カツアゲロード,Katsuage Rōdo)is a neighborhood inMoriohwhere the residents are known for extorting visitors. Strange ...
The style of the story is inspired by manga/anime, which works for some people, but may not for others. Sometimes the pace is so intense, with new characters, creatures, and settings flying past in the blink of an eye, it is easy to be overwhelmed. At times I found myself wanting ...
Five finalist teams have been selected in the MK:U International Design Competition to create alternative masterplan visions for a proposed new model university in the United Kingdom. The proposed new university, will focus on digital economy skills and practical, business-oriented courses; it also ...