不过,Classic路线(到Hana后原路返回)还是可以走的。🚧最新动态:6月24日下午5:10,我们从封闭路段通过了。提前咨询了National Park的工作人员,得知这段路因为塌方,接下来的3个月都将封闭维修,只允许当地车辆通行。我们从Classic Road to Hana的终点Pipiwei Trail出来,离关闭的Alelele Bridge只有13分钟的车程。途中...
22. Sun Yat Sen Park 🌳 中山公园,开放时间为早上7点到晚上7点。我们路过时已经关门了。不过,还有一个孙中山纪念碑在Kepaniwai Park内,离城区更近,里面也有孙中山的生平简介。 由于Road To Hana的景点众多,建议大家合理安排时间(不要顾此失彼),或者在Hana找一家酒店住一晚,第二天再继续后半段的行程。...
2. Haleakala National Park As we mentioned above we drove directly to the end of the Road to Hana to begin our road trip. Going in the opposite direction of the traffic. The maps and guides will have Oheo Gulch (Seven Sacred Pools) as your last stop on the road to Hana, but we lik...
Download the highest-rated travel app for Maui to guide you along the famous Road to Hana! This tour features the rarely discovered "backside" of Hana.
Things to do on the Road to Hana byAction Tour Guide While driving, the Road to Hana is a destination in and of itself; many attractions can be found along the highway. Ho'okipa Beach Park, the stunning Rainbow Eucalyptus Grove, Kaumahina State Park, and Haleakala National Park. All of...
The Road to Hana isn’t your average road trip…and The Road Les Traveled it isn’t. The teeny tiny – sometimes one lane – curvy road is just as crowded as it is charming. Think taro patches, turquoise seascapes, waterfall pools, botanical gardens and lush rainforests. If starting in ...
Pua’a Ka’a Falls and State Park is a rest stop that sits at Mile Marker 22 on the Road to Hana. This is a great place to put on your Road to Hana list of to-do’s since it offers an area where you can relax, some public restrooms, and a walking trail to a falls and a ...
It takes at least three hours to complete the Hana Highway, but you can make it a full-day trip, depending on how many stops you make. You can even spend the night at Waianapanapa State Park, where you can stay in a cabin or camp close to the shore. Don't miss all the best ...
Hana town The turning point for most, since there’s not that much to see in Hana. For the real adventurers, the fun shouldn’t end at Hana. There’s more to discover past this point too, in the Kipahulu section which is actually part of theHaleakala National Park. ...