Road Safety Presentation WELCOME Whowillbenext!!!Driveslowly;donotexceedthespeedlimits Sticktoyourlane;donotmoveunnecessarilyfromlanetolane Bealerttochangingconditions Alwaysobeythespeedlimits Keepbothhandsonthesteeringwheelatalltimes Getthebigpicture Yournegativeattitudecankill Turningathighspeedcanresultinthis...
6BUnit4Roadsafety6BUnit4Roadsafety6BUnit4Roadsafety6BUnit4Roadsafety ★★★一、教学内容:一、教学内容:一、教学内容:Unit4 Road safety Unit4 Road safety Unit4 Road safety 二、教学目标:二、教学目标:二、教学目标: 1.1.1.能听懂、会说、会读能听懂、会说、会读能听懂、会说、...
Road Safety Awareness Presentationroadsafetyawarenessinindia
Licensure renewal Reopening Road safety Road-test State policy 1. Introduction Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has resulted in vast disruptions to the daily lives of people of all ages in countries around the world (Cucinotta and Vanelli, 2020). To slow the spread of the COVID-19 infection, ... Distracted driving – WHO: Distracted driving – Wikipedia: ...
Presentation slides - ICCVE 2014 - Cellular--based Pedestrian Road Safety 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 8 作者: M Bagheri 摘要: DESCRIPTION Presentation slides - IEEE ICCVE 2014 - Cellular-based Vehicle to V2P Adaptive Communication (collision avoidance using smartphones)...
1、6B6B Unit4Unit4 RoadRoad safetysafety 6tory6tory timetime一、TeachingTeaching contenconten:t tUnit4Unit4 StoryStory timetime二、 TeachingTeaching aimsaims:1. Knowledge aims:能听懂、会说、会读重要句型:You must You must not并熟练地运用其与他人交流。能听、说、读、写单词road , follow , li...
Unit4Roadsafety第三课时教案 Unit4 Road safety ⼀、教学内容 Unit4 Road safety(Cartoon time、Sound time & Culture time)。⼆、教学⽬标:1.知识⽬标:(1)了解句⼦重⾳的作⽤,并能进⾏积极的尝试运⽤。(2)了解英国和中国汽车⾏驶的⽅向不同,并有兴趣了解更多国家交通的异同点。(...
the probability of accidents raises in parallel to the traffic increase, safety aspects have to be improved. Figure 1.Rail&Road Links through the Alps 2 THE MONT-BLANC ROAD TUNNEL 2.1 Presentation and Characteristics of the Tunnel The Mont-Blanc tunnel,which represents a major road artery between...