Road safety management Safer roads Safer vehicles Safer road users Post-crash response Knowledge Centres RoadSafe supports and contributes to four Knowledge Centres. Go to the Knowledge Centres Latest news Directive for cross-border enforcement of road traffic rules ...
Cumbria Road Safety Partnership Partenariat Cambria pour la sécurité routière Asociación de Cumbria para la seguridad vial Parceria de segurança rodoviária da Cumbria кембрийскоепартнерствоповопросамбезопасностидорожногодвиже...
O'Neill B et al. The World Bank's Global Road Safety Partnership. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2002, 3:190-194.O'Neill B, Mohan D, Breen J et al. The World Bank's Global Road Safety Partnership. Traffic Inj Prev 2002;3:190-04....
Welcome to the Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Road Safety Camera Scheme website. Here you will find all the information you need about speed and red light cameras in the area as well as the purpose of our work. Use the quick links on this page to explore the site, or use the menu...
Airbags and other safety features protect passengers in the front of a vehicle. But what about rear seat passengers – how can we better protect them? And how about child restraints and using chest clips? Do they prevent or cause injuries to young people
Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership About the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership Speed cameras Book an offender course Book a road safety course Biker Down course Contact the LRSP Email: Facebook X (Twitter)...
...陈仁通周三(10月7日)早上在位於泛太平洋酒店的“环球路上安全伙伴”(GLobal Road Safety Partnership)受访时建议,新…|基于 1 个网页 3. 世界道路安全组织 ...预防和严查酒后驾驶取得了成功,今年1月19日,三位世界道路安全组织(Global road safety partnership)的专家专门来柳, … ...
National Driver Diversionary Courses The Suffolk Roadsafe board was created in May 2007 to bring together the main agencies involved in road safety with the aim of reducing road casualties in the county. Find out more about the partnership... ...
road safety partnership Our mission is: “To reduce the number of people killed and injured on our roads and maintain that casualty reduction through effective partnership working” Our website is designed to educate and help you find information about our courses, where our safety cameras are sit...
3.5 TheDorset Safety Camera Partnership was rebranded Dorset Road Safe Partnership effectivefrom 1 August 2010. 4 FINANCIALIMPLICATIONS 4.1 The 2011/12 Specific Road Safety Grant now received byPoole is as follows : (a)The Capital element of the grant is zero. This means that therewill be no...