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Road rage (USA) By: Jason Vest, Warren Cohen, Mike Tharp Date: Tuesday, 05. December 2006 Copyright U.S. News and World Report Reproduced with permission of U.S. News and Views Tailgating, giving the finger, outright violence--Americans grow more likely to take out their frustrations on...
在路上还有那么一群人,开车无章法,蛮横无理,还随时想要欺负其他的司机,这样的行为就有点病态了,在英语里,我们管这种行为叫做road rage。不管在哪里生的气,放到路面上来发泄怎么说都是不合适的。你说呢? Road rage is aggressive or angry behavior by a driver of an automobile or other motor vehicle. Such...
deliberately driving in an unsafe or threatening manner, or making threats. Road rage can lead to altercations, assaults, and collisions which result in injuries and even deaths. It can be thought of as an extreme case of aggressive driving. The term supposedl...
Road Rage: Directed by Conrad Craven, Calvin Phillips. With Tomathan McGinnis, Dave McClain, Kae Shakir, Trish D. Powell. Played a Floor Charge Nurse who was one of the determining factors for saving a life along side The Doctor and Nursing Team, after a
英语新词:路怒症 road rage 2009年12月21日09:15英语点津 路面上的车越来越多,高峰时段的交通拥堵就难免。而这个时候,开车的人们能够保持心平气和的似乎也不多,稍有不慎便有可能言语相向,甚至动手。当然,堵车至堵心的行为虽然不当,还算事出有因。在路上还有那么一群人,开车无章法,蛮横无理,还随时想要欺负其...
“ving in an unsafe or threatening manner,or making threals.Road rage can lead to quaⅡ℃ls,assaults(攻击;袭击),andcollisions (碰撞)which result in injuries and even deaths.Ifcan be thought of as an extreme case of aggressiVe driVing.The te瑚is thought to come f南m the USA during the...
T. L. Smith-Jackson, M. S. Wogalter, and E. F. Shaver, "Road rage: user-reported antecedents and potential solutions," in Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, pp. 920-924, Santa Monica, Calif, USA, 2002....
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