Please just focus on KEYWORD in square box, and deem them as the essential parts to learn. The work of containing a plethora of keywords and knowledge within just an image has been challenging. Thus, please note that this roadmap is one of the suggestions or ideas. You are eligible for ...
作者的确覆盖了活跃在国内的NLP等多个领域的大佬。能被他们提到的论文,对于我这种小白,也有一定的方向性指导意义。 showing me the roadmap to learn big models. 这其实是一本200页的书了。。。如果再简单扩展一下的话。 内容概要 首先是背景介绍,大模型的时代依然来临,以及对于本文的概览; 数据、文本,语音,...
nlp-roadmapisNatural Language ProcessingROADMAP(Mind Map) and KEYWORD for students those who have interest in learning Natural Language Processing. The roadmap covers the materials from basic probability/statistics to SOTA NLP models. Caution! The relationship among keywords could be interpreted in amb...
ROADMAP(Mind Map) and KEYWORD for students those who have interest in learning NLP - GitHub - codingSally/nlp-roadmap: ROADMAP(Mind Map) and KEYWORD for students those who have interest in learning NLP 这份深度学习论文阅读路线分为三大块: 1 Deep Learning History and Basics 2 Deep Learning Method 3 Applications 4 Deep Learning Object Detection 目标检测(Object Detection)是深度学习 CV 领域的一个核心研究领域和重要分支。纵观 201...
Perfect Roadmap To Learn Data Science In 2024 Work Of Data Scientist? 1. Python Programming Language -1 Month Python: Complete Python Playlist In English: Complete Python Playlist In Hindi: Flask Playlist: Final Goal Outcome: Basic To Intermediate Python With various knowledge of various Data stru...
Learning Git Branching: 🌖 Linux(10 天) 企业中的很多前后台项目都是部署在 Linux 服务器上的,因此很有必要熟悉 Linux 的操作和脚本的编写。 后面学微服务、学架构都是在多台服务器操作,如果你不熟悉 Linux,会有点吃力。
Although the title of this video says machine learning roadmap, you should treat it as a compass. Explore it, follow your curiosity, learn something and use what you learn to create your next steps. Links: Interactive Machine Learning Roadmap - Machine Learning ...
5V 特点 Hadoop HDFS MapReduce Spark Flink Storm Hive HBase Druid Kylin Pig Mahout前沿技术云原生: Quasar Framework: 服务网格: istio:
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Text preprocessing: Tokenization, stemming, lemmatization. Techniques: Bag of Words, TF-IDF, word embeddings (Word2Vec, GloVe). Libraries: NLTK, spaCy, Hugging Face Transformers. Big Data Technologies Hadoop ecosystem: HDFS, MapReduce. Spark: PySpark for big data...