North Carolina Interstates: North-South interstates include: Interstate 77, Interstate 85 and Interstate 95. East-West interstates include: Interstate 26 and Interstate 40. North Carolina Routes: US Highways and State Routes include: Route 1, Route 13, Route 15, Route 17, Route 19, Route 19E...
This US road map displays major interstate highways, limited-access highways, and principal roads in the United States of America. It highlights all 50 states and capital cities, including the nation’s capital city of Washington, DC. BothHawaiiandAlaskaare inset maps in thisUS road map. ...
Complete North Carolina Road Map and Topographic Map Coverage MSRP$29.99 Our Price: $24.95 - Large 11" x 15.5" Pages - Topo Maps with Back Roads - 78 Pages of Maps - 10 Pages of Attractions, Information and Places to Visit - Scale: 1:160,000 (1" = 2.5 miles) ...
Large administrative map of the USA Large average precipitation map of the USA Large cartoon map of the USA Large detailed administrative map of the USA with highways and major cities Large detailed elevation map of the USA with roads and major cities ...
rather than sole reliance on GPS. Call me old fashioned.. But unfolding a state road map – that crinkling sound – and holding it in your hands.. It’s more than a feeling of nostalgia from days gone by before GPS. It’s still a great tool while traveling the highways and byways....
By sheer numbers, the Interstate 95 Highway is one the busiest, most well known, and one of the most important interstate highways in the USA. The i-95 is the main north-south land-based transportation corridor for the east coast of the United States... the i-95 is used by millions...
(NY) North Carolina, Raleigh (NC) North Dakota, Bismark (ND) Ohio, Columbus (OH) Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (OK) Oregon, Salem (OR) Pennsylvania, Harrisburg (PA) Rhode Island, Providence (RI) South Carolina, Columbia (SC) South Dakota, Pierre (SD) Tennessee, Nashville (TN) Texas, Austin...
4. Blue Ridge Parkway In North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway is one of the best solo road trips in the United States. Photo by Blue Ridge Mountains Travel Guide Start: Cherokee, North Carolina End: Waynesboro, Virginia Distance: 469 miles About the solo road trip: Arguably ranking among the ...
Nighttime safety and pavement marking retroreflectivity on two-lane highways: Revisited with North Carolina data. In Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 11–15 January 2015. paper 15-5753. [Google Scholar] Hauer, E. On the relationship ...
Nighttime Safety and Pavement Marking Retroreflectivity on Two-Lane Highways: Revisited with North Carolina Data; Technical Report 15-5753; TEXAS A&M Transportation Institute: Texas City, TX, USA, 2015. [Google Scholar] Bektas, B.A.; Gkritza, K.; Smadi, O. Pavement marking retroreflectivity...