Road House: Dirigido por Doug Liman. Con Jake Gyllenhaal, Daniela Melchior, Conor McGregor, Billy Magnussen. Un ex luchador de peso medio de la UFC acaba trabajando en un bar ruidoso de los Cayos de Florida donde las cosas no son lo que parecen.
I join That Phat Samurai Guy and Alex Chung as we give our thoughts on the new Road House remake trailer. What's up all you Action Movie Maniacs! Phat Samurai Guy is back with another reaction video today! I checked out the official trailer to the film R
Road House Remake The first trailer for the Road House remake reveals Jake Gyllenhaal's skills as a 'cooler' with the movie due to land on Prime Video in March. ByJonathan Fuge Jan 25, 2024 Frank Grillo & Scott Adkins Lead ‘Road House Meets Kickboxer’ Action Movie Lights Out in New...
The remake of the Patrick Swayze cult classic looks bad(ass). Watch the "Road House" trailer, starring Jake Gyllenhaal.
House 38 Productions HOUSE RED HOW MY DAD KILLED DRACULA How to become an acor How to get you film out there How to make a film How to make a movie How To Make An Exorcism Horror Movie How to make an indie Film How to write a horror movie Howard Goldberg Howard J...
In the end, Road House is a wreck. While there are enough goodies to make for a compelling trailer, Liman and company fail to deliver a remake worth streaming, much less a theatrical release. Road House was reviewed out the world premiere at SXSW 2024; the film will hit Prime Video ...
Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon Part One review! Plus, James Gunn has cast his Supergirl, trailer reactions to Roadhouse, Monkey Man, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire and Avatar: The Last Airbender and more! TIME STAMPS This week on the show! (0:00) ...
Road House's remake starring Jake Gyllenhaal has finally arrived, and it features a surprise after the credits. Make sure to stick around. Now available on Prime Video, the movie follows Elwood Dalton, a former UFC fighter who takes on a job as a bouncer in a beachside road house which...
·马诺 | 湿与干 || Scott Mano | Wet vs Dry 04:46 长板速降 迎光而滑 || Waiting for the Sun 02:32 长板速降 山之屋 : 一部 S1 头盔速降影片 || House of Hills: An S1 Helmets Downhill Film 29:03 长板速降 蒙古人 || Mongo Man 01:50 长板速降 加州荒野速降 || Downhill Skate...
The first trailer for the action movie remake 'Road House' shows Jake Gyllenhaal as muscular MMA fighter Elwood Dalton, with a shredded physique on display.