While still producing a 200-degrees spread of light, the high power of the LP9 Racer Edition produces a much tighter pattern into zones 4 and 5 providing higher visibility when the speed climbs towards triple digits. Available with amber backlight, and Hi/Low functionality. LP9 Racer Edition...
4x22 MSP430FG46 Segments Configuration 18/F2013 IDD LL16 IDD ALL ON 6uA 1.8uA ALL OFF 5uA 1.2uA EVERY OTHER SEG 5.4uA 1.8uA PERCENT Improvement % 70 76 67 With Contrast control (3.08V), Low power Mode, Crystal Oscillator enabled, 32Hz frame rate, 4x22 With Contrast control (3.08V)...
Road traffic has different degrees of influence on biological habitat and migration. The purpose of this study is to explore the extraction method for ecological corridors, considering the influence of road traffic. The extraction results of the study area also confirm the scientific validity and prac...
When the grade changed from 1.5%–2.5% and from 3.5%–4%, the emissions even drop, albeit to varying degrees. This may be due to the fact that HC is exhausted through incomplete combustion. Previous studies indicated that a low speed leads to a low combustion temperature, which is closely...
This project is # 2 Building Project in Yangzhou City, located in Wenchang Road, the Weiyang road fork in the northeast corner. Works mainly structural type of frame shear wall structure, the seismic intensity of 7 degrees (basic design earthquake acceleration value of 0.15g), roofing grade for...
Reducing vehicle lane widths has been proposed as an effective strategy to decrease vehicle speeds and enhance road safety. However, the safety benefits of narrower travel lanes remain a topic of debate due to mixed findings in the literature. This study examines the relationship between lane width...
θC→N is the slope-gradient (degrees or percent) occurring when connecting the center of the Cell C and the center of the Cell N. D0 is the cell size (m); (b) Vertical factor graph according to the slope gradient; (c) Example of calculating the difference between the path angle (...