aThe fatality rate has declined sharply, and cars have become so reliable that it's rare to come upon that once-routine sight on the shoulder of the road: a driver forlornly staring under the hood. 致死率尖锐下降了,并且汽车变得很可靠它是罕见的来在那一旦惯例视域在路的肩膀: 孤独地凝视在...
The article focuses on the rise of road-traffic accidents in China which is due to the surge in car ownership as a result of the rise in incomes and consumer culture in the country. It notes the statistical model developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2009 which reveals that...
In this paper, we try to understand the impact of a traffic convention, rule of the road, on road fatality rate in Africa. Using the country level panel data on road fatality rates provided by World Health Organization, we try to find whether left side driving rule has any differential ...
Road traffic fatality rate by gross regional product per capita and time for Russian federal regions, 2004–2011.aThemultiple thin linesare connecting fatality rate for the same region from high to low gross regional product (GRP) per capita, to represent the regional original trends of fatality ...
CONCLUSION: As in the rest of the country, RTIs are a considerable public health problem in Jiangsu where fatality and YPLL rates fall heavily on pedestrians, men, and older persons and are more pronounced in the less developed regions. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University... Other Data we find relevant and interesting: General Data: Very comprehensive data base: Distracted driving – WHO:
Road traffic collisions-case fatality rate, crash injury rate, and number of motor vehicles: time trends between a developed and developing country. Road traffic collisions (RTCs) are one of the most common preventable causes of death and disability worldwide. We investigated changes in numbers of...
A retrospective case study conducted in Iran revealed that road traffic fatality rate was 45.1 per 100,000 people, and of these, 72.1, 16.2, 45.7, and 42.2 per 100,000 people were male, female, urban and rural respectively [22]. The retrospective follow up study conducted in South Ethiopia...
According to the World Bank Country Classification (WB, 2021), South-East Asia is categorised as either low-income or middle-income economies. The fatality rate in South-East Asia was reported as very high as 20.7 deaths per 100,000 population (WHO, 2018a). Most road traffic deaths in ...
Fire crash in this study refers to fire incidents along the tunnel that result in injury and fatality or damage only. Therefore, fire crash rate refers to fire crashes that involve either injuries and fatalities or damage only (without injuries). 2.3. Overview of crash rates along tunnel zones...