In this case, about a intersecion including edge 1 and edge 2, i have get the routes by duarouter tool. The question is that, the vehicles in edge 1 always turn to the right lane in edge2, please look the gif below. I don't understand wh...
Crisis Averted or Kicked Down Road? Wary, Weary Greeks Take Dim View More By Angeliki Koutantou and George Georgiopoulos ATHENS (Reuters) - Subdued by three bailouts, record high unemployment and a maelstrom of taxes, Greeks were in no mood to party on Friday at news of a...
Roy's opened in 1938 and is located in Amboy, which some call a ghost town. The sign is a particularly popular photo spot for Route 66 road-trippers. While some hope the cafe is fully restored in the future, visitors can still pop in and thumb through old newspapers or buy a souvenir...
If the weather is nice, you can hike to the Wrecked DC-3 Plane on Sólheimasandur. 45-minutes trek will take you to such an unreal secluded place right on the shore of Iceland. Make sure to dress well, because such a big open space can be really windy. READ NEXT:Magical Iceland: H...
16.What does this road sign represent? Divided highway endsok Merge right One-way ahead Keep to the right of divided highway Hint This sign indicates that the divided highway ends; traffic travels in both directions on the same road ahead. Keep to the right. 17.What does this sign indic...
Look right and left. Then, if you are sure that the road is clear, it is safe to cross the road. If you see small children or very old people, help them to cross the road. We must teach our children to cross the road safely. We must always give them a good example. Small ...
Whothefuckisthis?-Allright,asuperhero. 靠过来吧!快点 Closeitup!Comeon. 你知道那家伙是谁吗? Jesus,Carter.Youknowwhothatis? 不没门儿 Nah.Nope. 我绝不跟那家伙打门儿都没有! I'mnotfightin'thatfuckingguy.Nofuckin'way! 没门儿门儿都没有!
Crossroadis the most common type of intersection. For a crossroad, we need to define the geographic coordinates, the corresponding road segments, the number of entry lanes, the number of exit lanes, the driving direction of each entry lane, having traffic lights or not, having crosswalk or not...
Right turn only Right lanemust turn right sign Left turn only Left lane mustturn left sign No Left TurnAcross Tracks HOV Laneends Bike lane Bike lane,bikes only, New York City Inherently lowemission vehiclesallowed HOV 2+ only 2or more ...
htthreuertrhooaardedpeerxxettsrreaancctttaiiootinnonrreeossfuutllhttsesirinnotahtdheset.wtTwhooeexmepxaepnreuirmaimlelnyetnds,teswl,ineweceaotcmeodpmraopraeadrthseeatmhreem to ttsohetohwmenmanianunFauilaglylulyrcerce7rae,tawetdehdigcgrhoropuurnendsde-t-nrttrusuttthhherreeeppxrrtereassecent...