All the roads leading to Burj Khalifa will be closed on 31st December. Here are the complete New Year's Eve road closure timings in Dubai.
Millennium Plaza Downtown Hotel, Dubai Cyber Security for Critical Assets MENA is geared towards providing top-notch cybersecurity knowledge and collaboration not only to IT and OT security leaders from critical industries but also to IT security... ConferencePower & EnergyIT & TechnologyCyber Securit...
Before you jump in the car, you’ll want to read this. TheIntegrated Transport Centre in Abu Dhabihas announced that there will be a partial road closure on E16 Al Taf Road Al Ain from Friday, March 15 to Tuesday, April 30. Traffic will be diverted to the opposite side of the road,...
In response to the closure of Zhangmu, many rumors flew that another porter called Gyirong Port was to be opened for its sake, but never really happened for two years. At the moment both ports are open only to locals, nearby Nepalis, and Indian pilgrims but not foreign tourists. After ...