UAE has the best roads in the world! UAE Road Fatalities 2023: 352 fatalities over a population of 10.17 (source– scroll down to 2023) represents3.46 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants. 2022: 343 fatalities over a populati...
R&D tasks are grouped in two different timescales: short term (by 2020, in time for the HL-LHC Computing Technical Design Reports of ATLAS and CMS) and longer term actions (by 2022, to be ready for testing or deployment during LHC Run 3). Physics Generators Scope and Challenges Monte-Carl...
This movie is somewhat similar to Cloud Atlas, but the latter resonated more strongly with me which is why it ranks below. CGI - The highlight for me was when Jobu Tupaki is first revealed and kills a bunch of police officers. It was an absolutely stunning sequence; the cuts between ...
We love the DeLorme Atlas for Vermont and New Hampshire to keep us found. We’ve been using it for years! Don’t forget to download your printable itinerary before your Vermont road trip! Download Your Route 100 Itinerary! Download this 8-page itinerary onto your phone or print it for ...
Big data generation and computational processing will enable medicine to evolve from a “one-size-fits-all” approach to precise patient stratification and treatment. Significant achievements using “Omics” data have been made especially in personalized
Philips road atlas –Philip’s Italy Road Map (Philip’s Sheet Maps) Italy road trip planning Plan your tripbefore arriving in Italy using major roads and logical routes as the smaller roads are prone to pot holes and other challenges. Our relatives in Italy showed us how to shave an hour...
Start in the more eastern town of Skaneateles (pronounced SKINNY-atlas), first heading to Skaneateles Bakery to taste its freshly made doughnuts and blueberry muffins. Take them for a snack while you stroll down the pier and walk along the lake. ...
Some people use a map, while others have anatlas. Then there are people who just take off into the great unknown. There really is no right answer, as those who run through quickly will get to see more of the road, and not miss anything before their time runs out. ...
#Hiking #roaddrifters #madrid #spain #europeanvacation #madridlife #spainvacation #atlasobscura Leave a comment Hiking the Springer Mountain Trail to the Beginning of the Appalachian Trail June 14, 2023Road Drifters There’s something truly exhilarating about standing at the precipice of a grand...
2023, within the framework of the research project entitled “Travel and Mobility in Hellenistic and Early Roman Palestine”, are reported and discussed. Part of this project is a large-scale, systematic research attempt to discover additional ancient pre-Roman roads and to suggest a working ...