滚装船(Ro-Ro Ship)是指通过跳板采用滚装方式装卸载货车辆的船舶,也被形象的称为“开上开下船”,专门用于运载卡车、汽车、半挂车、火车等带轮货物,货物可直接驶进驶出货舱。 'Ro-ro ship'的定义与基本概念 Ro-ro ship,全称为roll-on/roll-off ship,即滚装船,是一种通过跳板采用滚...
EUKOR 韩国籍特种船 又称RO-RO Ship (滚装船)主要运输带轮子的汽车 卡车 工程车之类的货物。这种船干舷高著称,稳性低,受风面积大,危险系数高,我船头前方的这条船叫Morning Ninni 建造于2008年。 - 漂洋过海AndyWei于20240307发布在抖音,已经收获了3060个喜欢,来抖音
滚装集装箱船(英文:Roll-on/Roll-off Ship;Ro/Ro Ship)又称滚上滚下集装箱船或开上开下集装箱船,简称RO/RO船或RoRo船。是一种在船首、船尾或船侧开有门,集装箱牵引拖挂车、叉车等流动装卸搬运机械可通过与门较接的跳板进出入船舱,将集装箱装入船舱内或从船舱内将集装箱搬运出到货场上的集装箱运输...
何谓“滚装船”roro ;ro/ro ship 刚开始,怎么记,都无法把中文和英文联系在一起。那就看看它到底是什么意思吧。“滚”是什么意思?它是指通过轮子“滚”上船的,这点从翻译上体现的更为准确,“滚装”一词从英文全称R...
详细!_百度知道 ... restricted area 限制区域ro-ro ships客滚船sabotage 蓄意破坏 ... zhidao.baidu.com|基于2个网页 3. 船只 ...,交运后须存仓逾24小时,始能装机),或驶上驶下之船只(RO-RO ships),或船舷不具意义,或船舷界限模糊,则应使用FC… www.tabf.org.tw|基于 1 个网页 例句...
Cars, Trucks, Machinery, Boats, and all types of wheeled freight WCS can ship freight RoRo if it has wheels and can be rolled on and off the vessel. This applies to all types of vehicles, including cars, trucks, construction vehicles, tractors, trailers, mobile homes, RV’s, caterpillar,...
We committed to providing our customers with unequaled service. All Transport Depot Inc is the King of RORO. First and Foremost We specialize in exporting cars from USA to other countries. However We also ship Containers, RVs, Campers, Trailers, Heavy Machinery and Boats, We provide transportati...
The ro-ro ship is different from a Lo-Lo (lift on-lift off) ship, which uses a crane to load the cargo. The vehicles in the ship are loaded and unloaded by means of built-in ramps. Normally, these ramps are made towards the stern (backside) of the ship. In some ships, they are...
Define Rohob. Rohob synonyms, Rohob pronunciation, Rohob translation, English dictionary definition of Rohob. n. 1. An inspissated juice. See Rob. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co