Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris All 12 Trophies 27th August 2018 • Completed in 1 day, 20 hours PS4 SRANK 1 3 8 100% 2.49% Life is Strange: Before the Storm All 35 Trophies 5th August 2018 • Platinum in 2 days, 2 hours PS4 SRANK 4 15 15 100% 62....
ODIN:Frenkel, C., Lefebvre, M., Legat, J.-D. & Bol, D. A 0.086-mm2 12.7-pJ/SOP 64k-synapse 256-neuron online-learning digital spiking neuromorphic processor in 28-nm CMOS. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst. 13, 145–158 (2018). Intel SNN chip:Chen, G. K., Kumar, R., Sumb...