这个办法就是RNG manipulation。RNG是随机数生成器,manipulation指我们将通过进行特定的游戏内行为来控制游戏给我们的结果(在这里,即是对战工厂向你提供的6个宝可梦,达成这个目的同时你也将操纵你的第一个对手获得的3个宝可梦,在文章的后面会有详解。) 随机数生成器操纵 绿宝石的RNG在所有宝可梦系列游戏中是最好操纵的...
3 GBA Pokemon games use the same formula to calculate RNG as well as having the same way to determine if an attack is a crit and determine damage roll multipliers, this RNG calculator should work with any of the GBA games, including Ruby, Sapphire, Fire Red, Leaf Green, and Emerald. Al...