Waterhouse PM (2007) RNAi for insect-proof plants - KHJ () Citation Context ...1) the generation of stably transformed lines of insects for the reverse genetics research is onerous, and 2) the apparent lack of key components of the RNAi pathway in insects, namely SIDs and RdRPs =-=[...
1. Fire A et al. Potent and specific genetic interference by double-stranded RNA in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nature, 1998, 391(6669):806-811. 2. Gordon KHJ and Waterhouse PM. RNAi for insect-proof plants. Nature, 2007, 25(11), 1231–1232. 3. Jalaluddin NSM, Othman RY, Harikrishna JA...
1. Fire A et al. Potent and specific genetic interference by double-stranded RNA in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nature, 1998, 391(6669):806-811. 2. Gordon KHJ and Waterhouse PM. RNAi for insect-proof plants. Nature, 2007, 25(11), 1231–1232. 3. Jalaluddin NSM, Othman RY, Harikrishna JA...
3.eakteimang,moses-kochr,moshitzkyp,etal.targetingdetoxificationgenesbyphloem-mediatedrnai:anewapproachforcontrollingphloem-feedinginsectpests.insectbiochemistry&molecularbiology,2018,100; 4.gordonkhj,waterhousepm.rnaiforinsect-proofplants.naturebiotechnology,2007,25(11):1231-2 5.hagenbuchers,romeisj.pestt...
鳞翅目昆虫RNAi新进展 鳞翅目昆虫RNAi新进展 0 引言 DNA 高通量和低成本的测序能力是现代生物学技术的最显著的进展,截至目前已有50个昆虫的基因组序列已完成或正在进行中(网址),在不久的将来至少每个昆虫目都有代表性的物种其基因组序列完成测序。同时,基因组测序的不断发展也带来了众多未知功能的基因,特别是...
M. RNAi for insect-proof plants. Nat Biotechnol 25, 1231–1232, doi: 10.1038/nbt1107-1231 (2007). 67. Baum, J. A. et al. Control of coleopteran insect pests through RNA interference. Nat Biotech 25, 1322–1326, doi: 10.1038/nbt1359 (2007). 68. Gatehouse, A. M. R., Ferry, N....
[2] Gordon K H J,Waterhouse P M.RNAi for insect-proof plants[J].Nat Biotech,2007,25:1 231 -1 232. [3] Fire A,Xu S,Montgomery M K,et al.Potent and specific genetic interference by double-stranded RNA in Caenorhabditis elegans[J].Nature,1998,391:806 -811. [4] Huvenne H,Smagghe...
Topical application of pathogen-specific double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) for virus resistance in plants represents an attractive alternative to transgenic RNA interference (RNAi). However, the instability of naked dsRNA sprayed on plants has been a major challenge towards its practical application. We demon...
the presence of gossypol. As a glutathione-S-transferase gene (GST1) is silenced inGST1dsRNA–expressing plants, feeding insects plant material expressing dsRNA may be a general strategy to trigger RNA interference and could find applications in entomological research and field control of insect ...
This work forms the basis to include bluegreen aphid to the growing list of agricultural insect pests that could be managed through RNAi based control solutions17,44,47with the generation of aphid-resistant wheat plants as the latest example of plant-mediated RNA interference to combat grain aphid...