第一篇是由清华大学张强锋课题组与谭旭课题组联合发表的题为Integrative Analysis of Zika Virus Genome RNA Structure Reveals Critical Determinants of Viral Infectivity 的研究论文。论文对寨卡病毒的RNA基因组在二级结构层次进行了综合分析和建模,并在此基础上发现且验证了一个只在流行株系中特异性存在的长程RNA-RN...
Because the nucleolus is fundamental to the life cycle of many viruses, disrupting the interaction between the nucleolus and the virus could lead to the design of novel therapeutic strategies. Abstract The nucleolus is a dynamic subnuclear structure with roles in ribosome subunit biogenesis, mediation...
作者开发的这种新的单分子成像技术VIRIM全称为病毒感染实时成像(virus infection real-time imaging)技术,用以研究单个RNA病毒在活细胞中的翻译和复制,这项技术的基础是作者在2014年开发出的SunTag荧光报告系统【3】,作者将N端5个SunTag重复序列插入肠病毒CVB3,SunTag-CVB3完全能够再现野生型CVB3感染的动态过程,实现...
Huang Y, Carmichael GG. RNA processing in the polyoma virus life cycle. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2009; 14:4968-77.Huang Y, Carmichael GG. RNA processing in the pol- yoma virus life cycle. Front Biosci 2009; 14:4968-77; PMID:19482599; http://dx.doi.org/10.2741/3581...
菲尔斯病毒科Fiersviridae,185属298种(包括原光滑病毒属和原异光滑病毒属),例如:大肠杆菌噬菌体MS2(Emesvirus zinderi,MS病毒属)、BZ13(Emesvirus japonicum)、Qβ(Qubevirus durum,Qβ病毒属)、假单胞菌噬菌体PP7(Pepevirus rubrum,PP病毒属)、PRR1(Perrunavirus olsenii,PRR1病毒属)、肠杆菌噬菌体FI 4184b...
Multiple functions of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins in the positive single-stranded RNA virus life cycle. Front. Immunol. 13, 989298 (2022). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Kim, J. H. et al. Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein C modulates translation of c-myc mRNA...
Fig. 1.A schematic diagram showing the infection cycle of an RNA virus. An RNA virus particle, or virion, consists of an RNA genome(blue)surrounded by a protein coat or capsid(black). Some viruses also have a lipid envelope studded with viral proteins surrounding the capsid (not shown). ...
[32]ImamH, KhanM, GokhaleNS, et al. N6-methyladenosine modification of hepatitis B virus RNA differentially regulates the viral life cycle [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2018, 115(35):8829-8834. DOI:10.1073/pnas....
医学微生物学资料:RNA病毒课件.pptx,1;Ⅰ. Brief introduction to virus;;;2. A virus genome is composed of one of the following;3. Life cycle ;3.2. Virus genome replication;3.3. Transcription of virus genomes;3.3 Transcription, translation and transport;3.4
(bottom) reflect boundaries.dMaintenance of domains during SARS-CoV-2 virus life cycle. Heatmaps showing the normalized average interaction frequencies for all boundaries as well as their nearby regions (±0.5 domain length) in C, L, and V samples. The heatmaps were binned at 10 nt ...