RNAlaterRNA Stabilization Solution is compatible with one-step RNA isolation methods, such as TRIzol Reagent; with glass binding methods, such as Qiagen's RNeasy or the Ambion RNAqueous kit; with acid phenol extraction methods, and with methods that use oligo(dT) selection of mRNA, such as th...
RNAlaterRNA Stabilization Solution is compatible with one-step RNA isolation methods, such as TRIzol Reagent; with glass binding methods, such as Qiagen's RNeasy or the Ambion RNAqueous kit; with acid phenol extraction methods, and with methods that use oligo(dT) selection of mRNA, such as th...
上海玉博生物科技有限公司 主要致力于“RNAlater RNA Stabilization Reagent (50 m Qiagen 76104”的生产销售。多年的“RNAlater RNA Stabilization Reagent (50 m Qiagen 76104”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建立了稳定的合作关系,我公司经营的产品名称深受广大
RNAlater® RNA Stabilization Solution 背景资料:Ambion® RNAlater® 组织采集: RNA固定液为水溶性、无组织毒性的保存试剂,可快速渗透到组织中,固定并保护细胞RNA。规格为100ml瓶装。 兼容多种实验方案 RNAlater®兼容一步RNA分离法,如 TRIzol® 试剂;兼容玻璃结合法,如 Qiagen's RNeasy™ 或 Ambion®...
英文名称:RNAlater® RNA Stabilization Solution 分子式:null 产地:上海 品牌:PERFEMIKER 包装规格:500ML 货号:AM7021 别名:N-lauroyl-D-erythro-sphingosyl phosphoethanolaMine (C17 base) 产品信息: 1. 产品信息 名称:RNAlater® RNA Stabilization Solution ...
网址在这:AI-Driven BioMed R&D Solution (deepbiogroup.com)(推荐电脑查看)或者直接搜索“DeepBio ...
从各种类型组织中纯化总RNA,配有gDNA Eliminator Solution 中文名称:通用总RNA提取试剂盒 (50) 英文名称:RNeasy Plus Universal Mini Kit (50) 品牌:Qiagen 货号:73404 规格:50T 存储:2-8℃ 产品特点:适用于所有组织溶液类型 整合RNeasy和QIAzol技术,节省时间 ...
RNAlater® RNA Stabilization Solution is compatible with one-step RNA isolation methods, such as TRIzol® Reagent; with glass binding methods such as Qiagen's RNeasy™ or the Ambion® RNAqueous® kit; with acid phenol extraction methods such as the Ambion® ToTALLY RNA™ kit; and ...
RNAlater® 兼容一步RNA分离法,如 TRIzol® 试剂;兼容玻璃结合法,如 Qiagen's RNeasy™ 或 Ambion® RNAqueous®; 兼容酸酚抽提法,如 Ambion® ToTALLY RNA™; 还兼容使用寡聚dT 的mRNA选择法,如 Ambion® Poly(A)Purist™。 RNAlater® 的应用 ...
细胞可经离心从 RNAlater™ 中分离出来,然后加入裂解缓冲液中,某些情况下RNAlater™可与细胞一同直接加入裂解缓冲液中。兼容多种实验方案RNAlater™ 兼容一步RNA分离法,如 TRIzol™ 试剂;兼容玻璃结合法,如 Qiagen's RNeasy™ 或 Ambion™ RNAqueous™; 兼容酸酚抽提法,如 Ambion™ ToTALLY RNA™;...